Thursday, November 27, 2014

Destiny Relic Guide

Now that the whole clan is raiding regularly, everybody needs to be comfortable with the relic. Below is a great guide on how to use it. You can ignore the Templar portion, we cheese him instead of the traditional method. For Gatekeeper, we have been having the relic holder go into both gates, but we can try having the first relic go to the conflux.


Reposted from reddit

Now, the raid relic is a special object that completely replaces your kit and applies the kit of the relic, lets go over the basics of this kit.
Grenade = Cleanse, this is 100% necessary during the atheon or gatekeepers because your team mates will go blind without this cleanse, during templar fight you must cleanse your team mates if you do not take out the oracles in time.
Melee = Dash attack, if you are the same level as harpies, then you will one shot them, otherwise avoid using this unless you need to fly back to the entrance of the time gate after picking up the relic, just jump and Spam Melee and you will be there without touching the floor and will save a lot of time
Shoot = Smash attack, deals significantly more damage and has a little bit of a longer charge up time than the Melee Dash attack, always use this against minotaurs and anything with a shield.
Jump + Shoot = Ground pound, this is probably my favourite ability in the entire game, just because of how fun it is to use. This allows you to deal a fairly large AOE attack which will deal the same amount of damage as your smash attack but will have much more recovery lag (yes I am a smash player), always use this if you are on the left time gate, the one that looks like a desert to kill the hobgoblins during the atheon fight.
Now, during the templar fight your job will be to take care of adds mostly and try to kill as many oracles as you can, many people would advise against you killing oracles but if you are the same level as them and reach them in time you can 1 shot them with your super or your smash attack which is very useful. Now, you have to build up your super which is why you are killing the harpies, this is very important as once your super is built up, warn your team and fire it at the templar because once this happens his shield will drop and your whole team will be detained if i am not mistaken, if you are detained just hit the detainment barrier with your smash attack and it will 1 shot it. then your team must completely shoot the shit out of Templar before he teleports and his shield comes back up. rinse and repeat until templar is dead.
Now, with the gate keeper phase as soon as you get the relic, one of the relic holders must go to the centre as if you are level 28 you can 2 shot the red health minotaurs that spawn in the centre with your smash attack, these spawn pretty consistently and should be dealt with immediately, i normally use the ground pound and then wait for them to drop, then use a regular smash attack and they will die.
With atheon, when dealing with the venus minotaur, make sure you ask your team to help you by killing the goblins, this is all that is necessary, drop in and ground pound him, jump back and dodge his melee, and then smash attack him, rinse and repeat until the minotaur is dead, then go and cleanse your team, you need to ask the oracle team to stay together or else they not be cleansed by your bubble.
in the mars portal, try to ground pound all 3 hobgoblins at the same time, make sure you get no help with this part because if their shield is activated it will just damage you 9 times out of 10 and you will probably die, with this part you just need quick reflexes, dodge the hobgoblin bullets if possible and 1 smash attack will kill one of them.
Once you have obtained times vengeance, everyone will jump in the middle and shoot up atheon, you will hold the cleanse button, make sure you are in the top right corner of the middle platform and make sure you do not move, this will make sure you do not get splash damage, make sure everyone is in your bubble shield and communicate with your team when 5 seconds of time vengeance is left to run out, rinse and repeat until atheon is dead.
Congratulations! you have now learnt how to use the relic, it is by far my favourite part of the raid, it just requires you to put the effort and practice, practice is very important in dealing with a lot of the relic holding bits.
Thank you for your time and have a wonderful morning/night/afternoon/whatever the fuck the time in your area :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Very useful websites

There's some websites I go to almost daily:

  • : You can view your Destiny character, gear, vault items, and even change equipped gear
  • : See when the next Public Event is likely to happen on each planet - I like to have this in the snap pane so I can watch it update live
  • : "Xbox Record That" clips show up here in real time
  • and : Places to find extra players for Strike or Raid in real time - this is basically manual matchmaking
  • : Just discovered this today, show all three of your characters with their gear, marks, XP, rep, etc - Most useful is that it shows which characters have finished the weeklies, nightfall and raid.
For your convenience:
Gamertags with spaces appear to be problematic.

Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. Destiny.

Because of the holiday week, we may need to prioritize Raid on clan night.  If we have six at level, I'll probably us through a quick Raid for the first hour.  Otherwise, it will be Nightfalls and Weeklies as usual.  This week's strike is Phogoth, the Nightfall has Epic, Juggler, Angry, Void Burn, and Nightfall modifiers.  Heroic just has Angry, no burn.

Weekly clan stats:

Player Hours Progress Grimoire Main Alt1 Alt2
YVRShyAsian 410 85% 2020 29 29 27
Wadster90 289 78% 1925 29 28 26
Cubert30 278 87% 1915 30 28 28
OmniscientDeath 207 63% 1800 29 29 27
gtdroptop 290 68% 1775 29 28 28
CoolerSopranos2 118 63% 1640 29 16 0
Brune TSLJ 225 60% 1600 28 9 1
Beer4Porter 35 34% 1180 24 0 0
o DeadEye o 10 17% 530 9 6 0

Monday, November 24, 2014

Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. Destiny.

Vault of Glass raid, normal mode.

I apologize for my suck this weekend, will definitely be on tonight for raid, and I'll suck it up to be the one to find others to fill out the 6 spots.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. Destiny.

Vault of Glass Raid, normal mode.  Reserved spots for secondary characters:

  • gtdroptop (28)
  • OmniscientDeath (28)
  • wadster90 (27)
  • cubert30 (28)
Anybody is welcome, but will assume that single-character players aren't interested in running NM again with their mains from yesterday.  Minimum level 25, recommended level 28.  Please let me know if you're unable to make it, so we can line up a sub.

Stats from last night:
Player Level Kills Assists Deaths KD
moosebox 30 304 86 17 17.88
Cubert30 28 245 94 18 13.61
CoolerSopranos2 29 257 81 22 11.68
gtdroptop 28 236 60 21 11.24
OmniscientDeath 27 185 123 19 9.74
Wadster90 29 193 117 22 8.77

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Troubleshoot parties on Xbox One

Shared by OD via xbox.com

Troubleshoot parties on Xbox One

Party problems?

Parties allow you to get together and chat with your friends through your Xbox One. You can do this with a single pal or up to seven friends. For information on how to start a party, see How to start a party on Xbox One.
If you’re having problems with an Xbox Live party, try the solutions below.


Can’t turn on party chat

If you can’t join party chat on Xbox One, try the following solutions.
Solution 1: Have everyone in the party test their Xbox Live connection.
Someone in your party might have a Network Address Translation (NAT) problem. To find out, have everyone test their connection. Here’s how:
  1. Press the Xbox button to go to the Home screen.
  2. Press the Menu button on the controller.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select Network.
Note If someone has a NAT indication in network settings, have your friend try the Xbox One Multiplayer Game Solution.
Solution 2: Restart your Xbox One console.
  1. Press the Xbox button to go to the Home screen.
  2. Press the Menu button on your controller.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select Power & startup.
  5. Select Turn Xbox off.
  6. Restart your Xbox by pressing the Xbox button on the console.

Not hearing the other person after joining the party

If you’re not hearing the other person after joining their party, try these tips:
  • Check that your privacy settings allow communication with everyone.
  • Unmute or unblock the person you’re trying to chat with. To unmute, go to Party chat and do the following:
    1. Expand the party roster.
    2. Select the person that you want to unmute.
    3. Select Unmute.
  • Check that you have joined party chat from within the party window.

Getting echo when another person talks

If you’re getting a lot of echo and are using Kinect as the speech input device, you’ll want to run through Kinect calibration.
  1. Press the Xbox button to go to the Home screen.
  2. Press the Menu button on the controller.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select Kinect.
  5. Select Kinect does not hear me.
  6. Follow the on-screen guide to recalibrate your Kinect.

Not recognized by Kinect when you talk

If you’re not seeing the green Kinect orb animate when you talk, you may have Kinect chat turned off. Connect your Xbox One Chat Headset or try these steps:
  1. Press the Xbox button to go to the Home screen.
  2. Press the Menu button on the controller.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select Kinect.
  5. Select Use Kinect microphone for chat.
Note This is a system-wide setting, so turning it on here enables the Kinect microphone for games, Skype, and party chat.

Party chat audio comes out of TV despite having a chat headset connected

If you’re hearing party chat through your TV speakers even after connecting a chat headset, you may need to re-associate your controller with your profile. Simply follow these steps:
  1. Press the Xbox button to go to the Home screen.
  2. Select your gamerpic in the upper-left corner of the screen.
  3. Locate your profile and select Choose this person.

Frequently disconnected from Xbox Live

If you’re frequently disconnected from Xbox Live, try the Xbox One Disconnect Solution.

Xbox Live game play is slow

If Xbox Live party game play is slow, try the Xbox One Slow Performance Solution.

Related Issues

How to start a party on Xbox One

Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. Destiny.

Vault of Glass Raid, normal mode.  Reserved spots for:

  • gtdroptop
  • OmniscientDeath
  • coolersopranos2
  • wadster90
  • cubert30
  • YVRShyAsian
Minimum level 25, recommended level 28.  Please let me know if you're unable to make it, so we can line up a sub.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. Destiny.

Nightfall will be the priority, minimum level 25 - recommended level 28. Groups will be sent off as fireteams fill up. Note that party chat is limited to 8 people, so if you're late to join, you may not be able to talk with us. We'll still send game invites but it may not come from me. Watch for these gamertags:

- gtdroptop
- OmniscientDeath
- CoolerSopranos2
- YVRShyAsian
- wadster90
- cubert30
- Beer4Porter
- x Deadeye x

Monday, November 17, 2014

Clan night daily schedules

Clan members have hit an inflection point where folks are running multiple mains in Destiny.  To meet the needs of Raid as well as lower level characters, we'll focus on specific things centered around the weekly schedule (start time always at 9pm US PT):

  • Tuesdays: Weekly Nightfall Strike - Min 25, recommended level 28
  • Wednesdays: Vault of Glass Raid, Normal Mode - Min 26, rec 28
  • Thursdays: Vault of Glass Raid, Normal Mode - Min 26, rec 28
  • Fridays: Weekly Heroic Strike
  • Saturdays: Player's Choice - May include Halo MCC
  • Sundays: Fireteam Patrol, Vanguard Strike Playlist, Tiger - Min 21, rec 24
  • Mondays: Player's Choice - May include Halo MCC
Activities like Daily Heroic Story, Daily Public Events, Crucible, Farming (Vanguard reputation, materials, bounties, etc) will be interspersed as time allows.

Halo Master Chief Collection has been released.  On days where Destiny needs are light and players are interested, we can add that into the rotation.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. Destiny.

Weekly reset! This week's strike is Valus Ta'aurc, no elemental burn (surprisingly). I'm willing to run the Nightfall and Weekly Heroic up to 3 times each.