Monday, August 31, 2009

Top Ten Ways To Tell You’re an Older Gamer

Reposted from Hawty McBloggy. I didn't find this all that funny, but maybe that's just because the truth hurts.

  • Not only do you insist on watching every single cutscene instead of fervently mashing all the buttons in a hurried attempt to skip them, you instantly yell at and silence anybody who has the audacity to speak during one.
  • Fully completing a game requires several playing sessions since you can only log an hour or two at a time due to having to wake up early the next morning for work. Or kids. Or meetings. Or other stuff you don’t want to do.
  • Your video game time is almost always scheduled days in advance with reminders penciled in on your calendar. But that’s only if you are lucky enough to acquire your significant other’s permission. And they don’t give you a guilt trip the day of.
  • You purchase your favorite video game’s soundtrack and listen to it during your commute, playing through your favorite levels in your head, in order to make up for your lack of actual playing time.
  • You no longer pick up video games at midnight launches because you know you will be too tired to actually play it that night. Instead you opt to get it the following morning so you can keep your eyes open long enough to get it in the disc tray.
  • You belong to an adult-only gaming community because you’re sick and tired of getting repeatedly humiliated by teenagers less than half your age who only beat you because they still have their lightning fast reflexes intact.
  • Half of your vacations involve going to major gaming conventions. The other half are whatever your significant other selected because that’s what you had to agree to in order to go on the other ones.
  • You always read the instructions before starting a game, often times spending several minutes studying the control scheme while simultaneously muttering under your breath about how much easier it was back in the days of joysticks and solitary fire buttons. Then you carefully tuck them back in the case because you know you will need a refresher the next time you play.
  • You stick to puzzle and sim games when playing in the evening because you find shooters to be too stimulating in the pm hours.
  • After immediately turning off any and all music in the options menu, you create your own custom tracklist for titles like Madden that feature modern tunes. Thankfully you realize the music coming out these days is nothing short of a travesty. You hold onto hope that the video game industry will pick up on that eventually too.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

No clan night this week

Outside conflict for many of us. Rest your thumbs this week.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

H3: ODST in the Bay Area 8/25-26

Microsoft, Bungie and Gamestop have just announced that they will be doing a promotional tour to show off H3: ODST before the official launch date. They will be here in the Bay Area on August 25 and 26. I'm almost tempted to go, but am annoyed that the "San Jose" location is actually in Antioch, almost 80 miles from San Jose. The San Francisco location is actually close to San Jose than the "San Jose" location. wtf. Of course, the San Francisco location also isn't actually in SF. It's in Union City, which is probably the better of the two. Leave a comment here if you want to go check it out!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Clan night tonight. 8pm PT. Left 4 Dead.

What a clan night last week with a full 4v4 versus game! Good times.

Monday, August 17, 2009

L4D DLC in September

Valve is releasing a DLC pack next month for L4D that includes new campaign content, as well as a new "Crash" multi-player mode. Though it will be free on the PC, it will be 560 points on Xbox Live (around $7 US). With H3: ODST dropping on September 22 and L4D2 coming out in November, I don't see any reason why somebody would go and buy this, but interesting tidbit nonetheless.

Thx OmniscientDeath for the tip.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Clan nighit tonight. 9pm PT. Left 4 Dead.

Note that I'm scheduling for an hour later than normal this week.

Xbox Live is pushing a system-wide update to all consoles today. Among the dozens of new features, it includes the ability to purchase full Xbox 360 games on-demand through XBL, access the entire Netflix on-line library on demand (not just the movies in your Instant Queue), watch Netflix movies together in a party, and an improved party system that automatically reconnects people that get dropped.

There is a download involved, so depending on your connection speed, it may take some time to update. Give yourself at least 15 minutes for the update, so take the extra hour before clan night this week to update your Xbox.

Monday, August 10, 2009

H3: ODST Gameplay Trailer

I was playing around with the new Xbox Dashboard and watching some of the H3: ODST videos. I highly recommend checking out the gameplay trailer below. ODST is beautiful. The covies aside, it looks almost nothing like previous Halo games. The HUD is obviously different, but everything is shiny! I'm actually excited to see the game now!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Guitar Hero Expert + 2 Rubiks Cubes

Takes too much free time to an impossibly higher level.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cal State Student Arrested for Modifying Console

Most people know that you can chip your Xbox for various reasons, but mainly for playing copied games. NBC reported today that a student was arrested for his modding operation.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Best Strategy Game 2009

Halo Wars wins G4TV's aware for Best Strategy game this year. w00t! I agree, because I got promoted to Major, lolz.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

ODST for $50 is offering Halo 3: ODST for $49.99 with free shipping and the Sgt. Johnson pre-order bonus. That's $10 off the normal price!

L4D on XBL

Left 4 Dead is just barely hanging in the top 10 list of XBL titles. Good thing we've got a new game to play coming out next month!

LIVE Activity for week of July 27th

Xbox 360 Top LIVE Titles (based on UU’s)

1 Halo 3
2 Call of Duty 4
3 Call of Duty: WaW
4 Gears of War 2
6 Battlefield 1943
7 Marvel vs. Capcom 2
8 1 vs 100
9 FIFA 09
10 Left 4 Dead

Top Arcade Titles (Full Versions purchased)

1 Marvel vs. Capcom 2
2 Battlefield 1943
3 Splosion Man
4 Castle Crashers
5 The Secret of Monkey Island™: Special Edition
6 Worms 2: Armageddon
7 Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers
9 Teeage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1989 Classic Arcade
10 Hasbro Family Game Night **

The above arcade list is based on full versions purchased.
**Combined sales of all Hasbro Family Game Night titles

Original Xbox Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)

1 Halo 2
2 Star Wars: Battlfrnt 2
3 Counter-Strike
4 Fable
5 Splinter Cell Chaos
6 Conker: Live Reloaded
7 Doom 3
8 Star Wars: Battlefront
9 SW: Republic Commando

Top Community Games (Full Versions purchased)

1 RC-AirSim
2 Fireworks HD
3 myFishtank
4 Kodu Game Lab
5 Gamerbots:Third-Robot Shooting
6 A Perfect Massage
7 Physics Sandbox
8 3D Magic Images
9 Cyborg Mice Arena
10 A Morons Challenge

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Clan night tonight. 8pm PT. Left 4 Dead.

Last week we had just about the entire clan on at one point or another. Get on early, and plan to stick around for a couple hours. It's way hella funz when we have two good versus teams going.