Thursday, October 14, 2010

Player Spotlight: TimMAY 1023

TimMAY 1023 is a clan member from back to Halo 2.  Per popular request, we sat down for a quick interview to find out more about him.

Q1: What's your name in real life?
A1: Tim Romero

Q2: What is your day job?

A2: I work for Intel Corporation as a Data Center Platform Applications Engineer.  My basic job is to help large OEMs debug their initial platform bring-up of Server platforms and debug tricky system failures while in the qualification process.

Q3: What's an interesting thing about you?

A3: I am half Ecuadorian

Q4: How did you get into Halo and/or video games?
A4: I got into Halo due to John and Clan; this was in the Halo 2 timeframe.  I have been playing video games since I was 10 or 12, the first game I remember would be The Legend of Zelda on NES but there some BBS games I got into on my first Texas Instrument computer.

Q5: What's your favorite thing about playing Halo?
A5: I like playing with the clan against other teams while on-line.  I like driving the vehicles, tanks and the new helicopter and at times snipping.  I enjoy the general slayer matches the most.

Q6: What's your biggest dislike about playing Halo?
A6: I don’t like being killed and trust me that happens a lot.

Q7: How do you manage video game time with family time?
A7: It is getting harder but generally I let my wife know if there is a certain event like clan night and can get on at that time.  Also after 9PM is usually fine as they are asleep but I am not allowed to play any gun games with the kids around so there is a tightrope

Q8: What is your favorite weapon in Halo and why?
A8: I like the tank because it kills most stuff, my second favorite is the jeep, it just feels fun to drive.

Many thanks to TimMAY 1023 for his time!