Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Reach Challenges: Finishing Campaign Levels

There are lots of campaign challenges that simply require you to finish a level with some specific conditions.  Challenges like Foggy Notion (Heroic, Cloud, Famine), Like a Glove (Heroic, Catch), Flawless Cowboy (Heroic, No Deaths) sound a lot harder than they actually are.  Most of the time, you don't really have to "play" the level at all and can be done in about 5 minutes.

Nightfall has a path and a glitch that allows you to sprint through and finish the entire level in 5 minutes.  You can  have as many skulls as you like since you won't really run into any resistance.  See here for a real example from my game history.  Winter Contingency also has a path that allows you to sprint through and finish the entire level in under 15 minutes.  No glitch required here, but takes a little longer because of the unskippable cutscenes.  See game history example here.  For most of the challenges, I prefer the Nightfall run because it's faster.  Sometimes the Winter Contingency run is more appropriate though, especially if you have to not die for the challenge.  On occasion, the Forklift Glitch takes more than one try and you can get killed trying.

  • Forklift Glitch: This is one of the coolest things we've seen in Reach so far.  Shows how to sprint through Nightfall and exploit the Forklift Glitch to avoid almost all the enemies on the map.
  • Winter Sprint: Shows the path to sprint through on Winter Contingency with very little risk of dying.  At the end, I recommend a green gun combo on the Sword elite, it's a little safer and more reliable.  With *some* skull combos, it may take two green gun blasts, or a green gun + a sticky grenade to take out his shields.
  • Flawless Finish Glitch: Shows the save point at the end of Winter Contingency that allows you to finish it over and over again flawlessly with no effort.  Is not a Bungie bannable offense.