Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Destiny Gameplay

Bungie's next game, Destiny, has been shown off at E3.  We've learned a lot this week.

In some respects, Destiny has clear Bungie/Halo lineage, with familiar elements like Halo-ish guns, radar, targeting reticles, reticle bloom (Halo Reach), ammo counters, general FPS mechanics, regenerating health, critical hit headshots.

In other ways, Destiny is bringing in a ton of MMO elements.  New items:

  • Multi-platform: On at least X1 and PS4.  I haven't seen anything that says you can play cross-platform (X1 and PS4 players playing together in the same game), but it's no longer Xbox only.
  • emotes: The demo shows a player waving using the "emote" function.
  • Character leveling: Instead of just unlocking armor, both users and enemies will have some kind of XP leveling.  Bosses appear to just have a "boss" level that transcends numbers.
  • Ghost: Some kind of remote control drone or scanner.
  • Special abilities: Like a hand thrown fire bomb of sorts.
  • Player revivals: Bring fellow players back to life.
  • Loot: Pick up stuff after battles, like better guns.
  • Multiple guns: At least one class of character has slots for 3 guns.
  • Multiple upgrades: Upgrade slots for head, hands, chest, belt, feet, presumably for armor.
  • Equipment leveling: Upgrade at least guns, probably armor too.
  • Player classes: Titan (heavily armored, shotgun), Hunter (lightly armored, sniper), Warlock (medium armored, machine gun)
  • Shared world: Seamless multiplayer with things like Public Events that bring other fire teams in for a co-op engagement on the fly.
For those who have played MMOs like WoW or Guild Wars, these new game elements will be familiar.


OD said...

Saw the footage earlier - looks pretty good. Did you catch anything about a release date?

John said...

Bungie has only said 2014.