Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lost Season Premiere

The premiere of the final season of Lost airs this week exactly during clan night. Seeing as President Obama scheduled his State of the Union address to avoid a scheduling conflict, I will pose the question to the clan. Would you rather watch Lost or eat braaiiiinnnss this Tuesday? A third option is to defer clan night until after Lost, but that may be late for some people. Vote here in the comments.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Xbox Live: $34.99

I believe that anybody who reads this blog has an Xbox Live Gold subscription. currently has 1 year subscription cards available for just $34.99, free shipping, no tax. I just got mine and applied it, so I can verify that there's no "catch." You don't have to wait for your current membership to expire, it will just add 12 months to the end of whatever your current plan is. This is a 30% savings over the normal rate of $49.99/year!

Friday, January 29, 2010

zomgftw Flying Warthog!

Bungie has announced that in Halo:Reach there will be a new vehicle available for Mulitplayer called the Falcon. They've called it the "Warthog of the Skies." Needless to say, I'm excited. I have to assume BeerMonkeee and OmniscientDeath are too.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

No official clan night this week

Local poker conflict, but some of us may be on later sporadically.

Friday, January 22, 2010

You Can Still Be a Hero

Many props go out to OD and BeerMonkeee for joining me in ODST Firefight on Wednesday. We did our small part in Bungie's campaign to raise money and awareness for Haiti earthquake relief. Apparently though, the Halo community at large is as apathetic as this clan is, and they didn't reach their maximum goal of players. If you couldn't motivate to log a few minutes of on-line game time this week to help the devastation in Haiti, you still have time to buy a t-shirt in the Bungie store to contribute to the relief effort

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haiti Relief Tonight. 9pm PT. H3/ODST

We'll be on-line tonight to support Haiti relief efforts. Join in at 9pm.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Clan night tonight. 8pm PT.

By default, we will be playing Left 4 Dead 2 unless there is a request to get some H3 or ODST practice in before the Haiti relief sessions on Wed/Thu. For L4D2, I think I'd like to setup some Scavenge games this week to break up the monotony. We'll need to balance teams though, because OD and GT are clearly huge handicaps.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Send Relief to Haiti for Free

Bungie has announced that it will donate $100 to the Red Cross Haiti relief effort for every thousand people that play Halo 3 or ODST this Wednesdady or Thursday. All you have to do is play on-line with the special heart emblem. This is how you set it:

o Press START
o Select “EMBLEM”
o Select “Hearts” ICON, “Circle” BACKGROUND
o Back out to the APPEARANCES menu and select “COLORS”
o Set “EMBLEM PRIMARY” to RED (or MAROON / BRICK / ROSE depending on which game you’re playing!)

OmniscientDeath and I will be on-line to help people with achievements if folks would like to play. If you are interested, leave a comment here and I'll schedule ODST foursomes or H3 teams. There's still tons of achievements to get. As a clan, we've only completed 56% of the ODST achievements. Here are the rarest achievements for our clan that you could get this week:

  • Be Like Marty (Only 1 player has this besides OD and GT)
  • Firefight: Last Exit (1 player)
  • Firefight: Security Zone (1 player)
  • Both Tubes (2 players)
  • Firefight: Chasm Ten (2 players)
  • Firefight: Lost Platoon (2 players)
  • Firefight: Windward (2 players)
  • Laser Blaster (2 players)
  • Stunning! (2 players)
  • Vidmaster Challenge: Deja Vu (2 players)
  • Vidmaster Challenge: Endure (2 players)
If you'd like to help the Haiti effort through a different way, you can purchase a special ODST t-shirt through Bungie and 100% of proceeds will go to the Red Cross. That t-shirt is available here.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cohesion BandBox Product Review

Most everyone has Rock Band or Guitar Hero now. Though fun, these games come with a lot of plastic crap that takes up a ton of space. What to do? The Cohesion BandBox is now available on for just over $100, with free shipping that arrives in less than a week! Mine arrived today and I'm pretty pleased with it. It's pretty inconspicuous with a black (assuming fake) leather exterior and a red felt interior. It has room for two regular guitars, drums, mic stand, three mics, and room for other accessories. My new bass guitar even fits with the head piece detached. The BandBox can mount either the Rock Band or the Guitar Hero drums, and stows it all very nicely.

There are really only two things to note. First, though the BandBox does allow you to mount the drums directly as shown in the picture, you have to detach the drums to fold them back into the box. That's not as convenient because you basically have to assemble the drums every time you want to use them, but it's a workable solution. The other item is that the box is pretty heavy, especially with all the gear inside. I'll be mounting casters to the bottom of mine to make it roll, but otherwise it'll be a drag to move around.

There is another product called the AK Rock Box that actually has a drum lift so that drums come up and out of the box. That'd be cooler, but it hasn't been available for retail anywhere I've been able to see in quite some time. It's also a good deal more expensive.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Free XBL Gold for L4D2

This weekend from 5pm GMT Friday, January 15th to 5pm on Sunday the 18th, Microsoft is upgrading Silver accounts to Gold for Left 4 Dead 2 multiplayer. Doesn't really apply to anybody in the clan, but folks would be able to play split screen with guests and enable voice chat for everyone. Leave a comment here if interested in gaming this weekend.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Clan night tonight. 8pm PT. Left 4 Dead 2.

Dark Carnival so that folks can work on clown achievements.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Clan night tonight. 8pm PT. Left 4 Dead 2.

Happy new year, kiddies. Brains as usual this week. Taking nominations for versus campaigns.