The Halo 2 multi-player maps are now available for download again and the links are working. In total, there are 6 downloads in total you will need to play Halo 2 on-line with Xbox Live. There is an Xbox Live title update that you will be prompted for as soon as you launch the game, and a second Halo 2 title update that you will need to download from within the game (it will prompt you). Then there are FOUR map packs you have to download from within Halo 2. Go to Xbox Live -> Content Download inside of the game menus. These are the map packs and download times (measured over 12 Mbps):
- Blastacular (Tombstone and Desolation): 4 minutes
- Maptacular (Terminal, Backwash, Relic, Elongation, Gemini): 6 minutes
- Bonus (Containment, Warlock): 3 minutes
- Killtacular (Turf, Sanctuary): 3 minutes
If you'd like to try and play Halo 2 again in the future (before April 15), please go download all the map packs and then comment here on which week you would like to play. If there is critical mass, I will set it up again. Remember that Halo 2 does not support the Xbox Live NXE party-chat system, so if you run into problems the week we're trying to do this, it will be hard to help you. Voice messages recorded in Halo 2 are also not interoperable from within the Xbox Live NXE.