Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. Halo Reach.
It's a Halo week. Maybe we can log some wins in Action Sack or Grifball...
This is the weblog of the Bada Bing Xbox gaming clan. Membership is by invitation only, contact gtdroptop on Xbox Live for more information.
It's a Halo week. Maybe we can log some wins in Action Sack or Grifball...
There's no new Halo or Left 4 Dead on the horizon. Clan night attendance is down. What do people want to play next? I don't know of anything really ground breaking on the horizon. Leave a comment here about a game you would like to play next. Here are some ideas:
Pounce me. Tongue me. Barf on me. Get me some brains in the L4D original game. 9pm PT.
I'm traveling, but BeerMonkeee has promised that he will log on.