Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. Left 4 Dead 2.
I miss the Spitter. Zombies tonight. Duke Nukem coming soon, so get your zombie fix while you can.
This is the weblog of the Bada Bing Xbox gaming clan. Membership is by invitation only, contact gtdroptop on Xbox Live for more information.
I miss the Spitter. Zombies tonight. Duke Nukem coming soon, so get your zombie fix while you can.
OK, I'm back in town and I miss my Xbox. I'll be on tonight.
It's been fun playing L4D1 for a couple weeks in a row, but people mentioned they missed the spitter. So L4D2 it is this week. I'm still traveling, so will be out. Coordinate amongst yourselves.
I'm actually out of the country for the next two weeks, but we had good attendance for the last Halo night. And Porter wants to play. I trust you kids can self-organize. And I think Pewn has the Jenga gametype and maps.
It'd be really nice to actually get some versus in this week. If we don't get at least six people to show up tonight, I'll consider dropping L4D from the rotation because it's just not drawing the crowds required.