Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. Halo CEA.

Look for darknorpo to be hosting games.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Halo CEA Bandana Skull

There are skulls hidden around Halo CEA.  They unlock achievements, but they also modify the game in different ways.  They don't affect your achievements, so some of them can be very useful.  Arguably the most useful is the Bandana skull which gives you unlimited ammo, making those Legendary runs a lot easier.  Also negates the Famine skull to make it easier to get your 3 skull achievement.  Being the most useful, it happens to be the hardest skull to get (so far).  This video makes it a hell of a lot easier:

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Clan night tonight. 8pm PT. Halo CEA.

I have family staying with me, so playing earlier gives me a good excuse to step away.  Lots of things to go do in CEA, I'll let the first ones on decide what we do.  Be sure to join the Xbox Live chat party.  Remember you can join that even without an invite, so please join even if you see us in an unjoinable game.  Then you can at least talk with us and find out what the plans are.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Halo CEA Reviewed

So we've had a couple of days to play with Halo Combat Evolved: Anniversary edition.  It does appear that you need to download the classic Halo 1 multi-player maps by using the code included in your game.  Some thoughts:

Campaign: It's sad that this is 2 player only, but it's still a pretty fun campaign with great music.  It's gorgeous compared to Halo 1, but I wouldn't say that it's quite "current gen."  Hitting the Back button is neat to see the original graphics.  The Grunt Funeral skull is a game changer, it basically makes killing Elites trivially easy.  Headshot one grunt in the squad, and everyone goes boom.  Also makes it dangerous to melee grunts now.

Firefight: This is satisfyingly fun to play on the Halo 1 campaign maps, and a nice alternative to campaign.  It basically gives you a way to play snippets of the campaign as 4 player co-op, on XBL, with Challenges available.

Multiplayer: This is launched from the Halo CEA disc, but takes you into the Reach matchmaking engine.  The game types and maps prefaced by "Anniversary" are the classic game types and maps.  Beaver Creek was the most familiar, but Damnation and Prisoner showed up several times as well.  Here are averaged clan stats from clan night, some things never change:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Clan night tonight. 8pm PT. Halo CEA.

Early clan night for the new game.  Cooler has the delusion that because he was good at Halo 1 10 years ago, that he'll be good in this game.  Over/under for when he quits in frustration is set at 45 minutes.  Achievements on the table:


Friday, November 11, 2011

Clan Meeting

As seen on failblog:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. Players choice.

Last week before Halo CEA. I'll let those on first choose what we play. It's Halo Reach by default, but I'm kind of hankering for some Rainbow Six Vegas lately.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Two weeks left

Thanks to OD for the tip.