Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. X1 Destiny.
Typically Nightfall or Crota raid on Tuesdays. But I'll drop down and run lower content with anybody that joins. Message me on XBL if you're unable to join the chat party because it's full or whatever.
This is the weblog of the Bada Bing Xbox gaming clan. Membership is by invitation only, contact gtdroptop on Xbox Live for more information.
Typically Nightfall or Crota raid on Tuesdays. But I'll drop down and run lower content with anybody that joins. Message me on XBL if you're unable to join the chat party because it's full or whatever.
As composed by wadster90:
You know Cooler and Cubert,
Brune and OD.
Norpo and Porter,
Freaky and GT.
But do you recall,
The most famous cheeser of all?
Wadster the red-nosed warlock,
ready to go and cheese.
Nightfalls should drop some sweet loot,
Gjallys around if you please!
If Crota is to meet his end,
Cubert needs to leave.
We all need to DPS,
and force him to a knee.
GT wants some armor,
OD needs a helm,
I still want a Mythoclast,
The best in Atheon's realm
Nexus is the strike this week. Void burn for the Nightfall.
I'll be back in town and plan to be on. I do still have guests in town though, so there's a chance I may be delayed. But I don't need to sleep anymore, so should be on at some point, even if not right at 9.
With the complicated Destiny game mechanics and regular patches that totally change how the game is played, I think we need more real time comms. Please either register at and/or download the app to your phone. It's a free app that allows group chat threads. Download links:
Plan for tonight is to run Nightfalls, up to 3 times to cover everybody's characters. Be sure to join the Xbox Live chat party, because we will be running parallel strikes. Nightfall and Heroic Weekly this week are level 30 Phogoth with Arc Burn. Please try your best to NOT go into matches underleveled, because it makes it more difficult and time consuming for everybody involved. The Bada Bing Best Known Method for Nightfall and Weeklies is to run at max level, and then to switch out to alts at the end as needed for rewards. e.g., I will be running everything 3 times on my 30 Hunter, but switching to my 29 Warlock on one run, and my 29 Titan on another run. We would much rather wait 5 minutes while you go to Tower and switch out, instead of spending an extra hour struggling through Nightfall underleveled. Rough plan for the rest of the week:
The first post-DLC Xursday is in about 5 hours. We expect that Xur will have Exotic guns and Exotic upgrades to pre-DLC Exotics. We also expect Xur to have some Exotic armor. Here are all the new Exotic armor pieces that come with the DLC:
Name | Rarity | Class | Type | Offense |
The Glasshouse | Exotic 36 | Titan | Helmet | Def: BoL/WoL last longer |
The Stag | Exotic 36 | Warlock | Helmet | Def: Self-res disorients enemies |
ATS/8 Arachnid | Exotic 36 | Hunter | Helmet | Off: GG zooms ADS |
Starfire Protocol | Exotic 36 | Warlock | Chest | Off: Extra Fusion grenade |
Ruin Wings | Exotic 36 | Titan | Gauntlets | Off: More hvy ammo drops |
Claws of Ahamkara | Exotic 36 | Warlock | Gauntlets | Off: Extra Scorch/Energy Drain |
Don't Touch Me | Exotic 36 | Hunter | Gauntlets | Taking melee dmg makes you invisible |
Mk. 44 Stand Asides | Exotic 36 | Titan | Boots | Off: More Shoulder Charge |
Radiant Dance Machines | Exotic 36 | Hunter | Boots | Off: Move faster while ADS |
Welcome darknorpo to Destiny! I'm traveling this week, but OmniscientDeath should be on, look for his party invite.
Player | Hours | Progress | Grimoire | Main | Alt1 | Alt2 |
Beer4Porter | 48 | 39% | 1260 | 27 | 0 | 0 |
Brune TSLJ | 284 | 70% | 1740 | 29 | 14 | 9 |
CoolerSopranos2 | 164 | 65% | 1700 | 29 | 26 | 2 |
Cubert30 | 392 | 90% | 2000 | 30 | 30 | 30 |
darknorpo | 6 | 14% | 490 | 11 | 0 | 0 |
gtdroptop | 329 | 70% | 1830 | 29 | 28 | 28 |
o DeadEye o | 10 | 17% | 530 | 9 | 6 | 0 |
OmniscientDeath | 254 | 70% | 1870 | 30 | 29 | 28 |
Wadster90 | 363 | 85% | 2015 | 30 | 29 | 29 |
YVRShyAsian | 499 | 87% | 2090 | 29 | 29 | 28 |
If we have six at level, we'll most likely run Raid. If not, then Nightfall. The strike this week is Nexus, with Solar burn for Nightfall. The Nightfall pattern has been cracked:
Arc Sepiks, Void Phogoth, Solar Sekrion, Arc Valus, All Aksor, Void Sepiks, Arc Phogoth, Void Sekrion, None Valus, Arc Aksor
We are on the Solar Sekrion week. So many exotics to choose from: Ice Breaker, Pocket Infinity, Invective, Super Good Advice, Gjallarhorn, Vex Mythoclast