Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. X1 Destiny.
Nexus Nightfall with Void burn. After that, we may run weeklies or VoG Hard Mode.
This is the weblog of the Bada Bing Xbox gaming clan. Membership is by invitation only, contact gtdroptop on Xbox Live for more information.
Nexus Nightfall with Void burn. After that, we may run weeklies or VoG Hard Mode.
Nightfall races! Omnigul with Arc burn, for both the weekly and the Nightfall. Saint-14, shotgun all the things!
I'm traveling and won't be on. Look for Brune TSLJ or others for the clan party to join. Reminder to have Skype ready if we go over 8 Guardians.
Archon priest. Rainbow nightfall. Void weekly. No light switch.
I'm going to ask that nobody start Nightfalls until everybody is ready at 9pm. Also, have your Skype up and ready to go. We will be racing Nightfalls tonight! Rules:
- I will designate team captains
- Captains will round robin pick their fireteams
- If we have an uneven team, the captain(s) of the team(s) with only 2 Guardians will get to pick first
- Fireteams will queue up on planet in the spawn area, so that difference in warp times don't affect the race
- Winning team is the one that melts Archon first
Sepiks with Arc Burn tonite, as predicted. This is a good one for Walking Tall, if you're carrying it.