Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. X1 Destiny.

I'm traveling again, so watch for Brune TSLJ or OD to host parties.

* 32 POE: Gulrot
* 34 POE: Valus Trau'ug
* 35 POE: Skolas with Arc Burn?
* Nightfall: Omnigul Void Burn
* Weekly: Nexus Grounded

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. X1 Destiny.

I'm traveling, so Brune TSLJ will be hosting Nightfalls and reset day activities.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. X1 Destiny.

Weekly reset day

  • Nightfall: Police burn Archon (solar, arc, small arms)
  • Weekly: No burn Omnigul
  • 32 POE: Qodron Vex, trickle
  • 34 POE: Kaliks Fallen, grounded
  • 35 POE: Skolas, void
Bada Bing by the numbers:

Highlights this month:
  • We welcome Big Sxc Moron, ColGrimm88, FlameInTheVoid, FragginURdoodz, and SexiLexi to the clan
  • MaFanHo is finally unseated by the newcomer in terms of hours played, but regains his lead in hours per day for the month (previous data missing for Flamer)
  • Look at all those 34s!
  • AETHE0N, Brune, Flamer, Fan, Sentinel, Lexi and Wadster all break the 3k grimoire mark with the new DLC
  • AETHE0N edges closer to 100% completion