Monday, September 28, 2009

ODST Update

For those that haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet, just dropped their price on Halo 3: ODST to $53.99 with free shipping.

A tip for all your working your way through the Campaign: The campaign missions do not have linear memory. What I mean by that is that if you go back and replay a mission somewhere in the beginning or middle of the game, you will LOSE ALL OF YOUR PROGRESS when you return to the mission you left off on. There are six sub-story lines to check off in your objectives. If you go back to replay a mission earlier than your current progress, it will clear your progress on all of those sub-story lines and you will have to do them over again. The final mission will not be available until all six are checked off at the same time.

Solo and co-op campaign progress is tracked separately, so you can replay solo missions without clearing your co-op progress.