Saturday, November 24, 2012

H4: Abilities and Tactical Packages

To continue the armor thread:

Now that we're a couple weeks in, we've seen some interesting usages of the new Halo 4 features.  Check out your playing style:

  • Close range general infantry - Prefer charging ahead on offense (AR), good communicator: Promethean vision + Grenadier + Explosives.  Promethean vision lets you see everybody, even if they're camo or not moving.  This is great for somebody who's leading the charge and can clue teammates in to where everybody is.  Having extra grenades and splash damage couples well, as it allows you to flush out the campers who are hiding behind corners.  Note that everybody on the map can hear you engage it, and it puts a bright red dot on your face.
  • Medium range general infantry - Prefer to always be engaged (BR), good at staying with at least one other partner: Regeneration field + AA efficiency + Ordnance priority.  A team in the "green stuff" is very difficult to take out, especially at range.  2-3 players can easily hang out in the regeneration field and wreck shop as a squad.  This loadout combo allows you to keep dropping the "green stuff" while also calling in advanced weapons.
  • Long range sharpshooter - Prefer hanging out on the periphery (DMR, Sniper), quiet player: Active camouflage + Shielding + Awareness.  With active camo and shielding, you can pop in and out of cover, taking potshots and finishing with headshots.  Tap active camo as enemies appear and you engage so that you're hard to see.  As your shields get low, duck into cover and regenerate quickly.  Awareness helps keep you safe while scoped in, and able to see flanking enemies.
  • Very close range objective specialist - Prefer charging into the thick (Shotgun, Scattershot, Sword, Hammer) and hitting unsuspecting enemies: Active camouflage + Mobility + Ordnance Priority.  For players who excel at getting behind enemy lines and killing them from dark corners or stealing objectives, this allows them to get there quickly and disappear.  Shotgun and Scattershot are the weapons of choice up close and pair very well with unlimited sprint, but are not available as default loadouts, so Ordanance Priority gets them up earlier.
  • Defensive camper - Prefer hanging out at home, good at defending objectives: Autosentry + Resupply + Sensor.  In gametypes like CTF, Oddball, Dominion where a territory or space needs to be defended, this combo allows one player to cover a lot of ground.  Autosentry effectively provides the ability to cover two entrances at once, with a long range sensor to provide advanced warning.  Resupply is useful because the player isn't picking up more weapons on the battlefield, they are largely limited to what dead players bring them.