Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Halo Wars Demo Available

The playable demo is available NOW on Xbox Live. It's free and surprisingly fun. Click this link to automatically add it to your Xbox download queue.

I've beat both campaign levels and Skirmish on Heroic, using both Humans and Convenant, but haven't been able to get Gold on the second campaign level. Would appreciate any tips if people have them.

My #1 tip for the Halo Wars demo: Cobras friggin' PWN ASS. Move them just out of range of enemy fire and use Y to deploy. They can shoot farther than anything else I've found and seriously bring the pain. Guard them with Scorpions, and they're basically invincible. I actually think they're unbalanced from what I've seen. Hard to say for sure though, since I haven't played against real people yet. The Covenant have the Locust analog to the Cobra, but the Locust doesn't have the range of a deployed Cobra.

A cinematic montage has been posted that apparently has people clamoring for this game even more than before. Rumored to be filled with spoilers, so I haven't watched it yet.