Halo Wars: Cutter vs Prophet of Regret Rush
From Bonfire Studios:
The most consistent problem I’ve read about in the forums is people struggling to defeat the Prophet of Regret rushing their base early in the game. Here are some step by step tips as Captain Cutter that should help you in your struggle to defeat this popular rush.
If you notice your opponent is the Prophet of Regret (use the ‘back’ button at the start of the game to see an opponent’s leader) then you can be pretty sure that he’s going to rush. Luckily as Cutter you can build defenses and a solid economy at the same time thanks to your unique unit, the Elephant. Here is a typical early game strategy for Cutter when up against the Prophet:
Immediately send your initial Warthog to scout the Prophet’s base, this is important in combating a rush. While you’re scouting with this Warthog you should be training an Elephant and have 2 Supply Pads building.
If he goes Temple first then you can assume his Prophet will be on his way to your base pretty soon. If you see a Temple first do the following:
- Lock your Elephant down near one of your forward turret sockets and build a small army of Flamethrowers. (usually between 3-5)
- Build a turret on the socket nearest your Elephant
If you see the Prophet goes with a Warehouse first:
- On a map with good forerunner structures send your initial Elephant near these and train enough Flamethrowers to take the structure (5 is usually enough for any structure).
- Use this bonus (normally an elevator or reactor) to really push your Cutter economy to a strong advantage over the Prophet
- Once the Prophet makes it to your base now he’ll usually be accompanied by either infantry units or Banshees, make the appropriate counters to these units and your superior economy should win the game. As Cutter training units from your Elephant as well as a Barracks in your base and some Warthogs from your Command Center can give you a very strong force in little to no time at all.
I hope these tips help you to score a few wins against what looks to be the most popular rush at the moment.
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