Clan night tonight. 8pm PT. H3: ODST
FishBone10 and Beer4Porter helped me to break in H3: ODST's new Firefight mode right after the midnight launch. And it is FUN! Even though I scored over half of our team's points, I do have to recommend their generous assistance in my "Invincible" medal (kill 100 enemies without dying). Some housekeeping items:
- Insert your Campaign disc for Campaign, Firefight, and to customize your character for ODST
- Under Settings/Appearance, change your EMBLEM to your H3 number.
- In the same area, change your SERVICE TAG to something related to your gamertag.
Below are the assigned emblems (carried from H3) and some recommended service tags. Your service tag is what people see above your head as you run around the map. Since we have 4 characters to work with now, you should pick something that will quickly remind people of your gamertag and who you are.
- gtdroptop: " GT ", 0
- BeerMonkeee: "BMNK", 1
- TimMAY 1023: "TIMA", 2
- CoolerSopranos2: "CULR", 3
- OmniscientDeath: "OMNI", 4
- FragginURdoodz: "DOOD", 5
- FishBone10: "FISH", 5
- Beer4Porter: "PORT", 6
- Masher24: "MASH", 7
- Spix: "SPIX", 7
- BeefierBen: "BEEF", 8
- Mean Mrs Monkey: "MRSM", 7
- darknorpo: "NORP", 9
- Dawill0: "WILO", 5
- Octurian Poon: "POON", 7
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