Monday, September 20, 2010

Player Spotlight: Mean Mrs Monkey

Mean Mrs Monkey is one of our most active players, starting in the days of Left 4 Dead and continuing to this day in Halo Reach.  Per popular request, we sat down for a quick interview to find out more about her.

Q1: What's your name in real life?
A1: Kendall

Q2: What is your day job?
A2: Stay at Home Mom and Full Time Student at SJSU.

Q3: What's an interesting thing about you?
A3: I only learned how to play xBox about 1.5 years ago, before I had no coordination for the game.

Q4: How did you get into Halo and/or video games?
A4: I started playing it because MEAN MR MONKEY was playing it and encouraged me to after I got the hang of Viva Pinta and L4D.

Q5: What's your favorite thing about playing Halo?
A5: that REACH is out, I prefer it to all other Halos.  It seems to be a little easier for me to control my player because the jumping is "normal" and the movements are not as exaggerated which is really difficult for me. So just having a more normal play is what I like.

Q6: What's your biggest dislike about playing Halo?
A6: I think my biggest dislike is that I am so bad at Slayer, I try to play and try to get the hang of it but I think most people who are on have been playing since Halo [1] and so they have the game down and I am just running around trying to figure things out....makes for a lot of deaths for me.

Q7: Do you think it's different being a girl playing Halo?
A7: Uhm...yeah...when I play without the clan people are a bit more forgiving of my bad playing or if I betray them....because I am a chick.  But when I play with the clan I think I am just another one of the people playing and I am treated pretty equal...

Q8: Do you wish you didn't have to play split screen all the time?
A8: Yes.  We are going to be getting one of the new xBox's....we want to play on different TV's.  But I think that will be our Christmas gift to ourselves.

Many thanks to Mean Mrs Monkey for being a great sport and continuing to participate in the clan!


    OD said...


    Laurence said...

    Chicks and guns! Whoot whoot! Now if only we could get GT to stop being so creepy!

    MrsM said...

    That's right bitches! ;)