Jerk Rating
Anybody who has spent any time within Halo Reach is intimately with Assassinations, sweet-ass animations that you can trigger if you are able to get behind somebody and hit the kill button. They are fun as hell when you are delivering them, and extra embarrassing when you are the recipient. The animation is a reward and celebration of sorts because assassinations can be pretty hard to come by. A key component of the assassination is that both players are vulnerable to fire during the animation, which means either killer or killee may be killed before the animation completes, effectively stealing the kill. If your teammate is assassinating somebody and you kill their victim before they finish, it is called a Yoink and Bungie awards a special medal for that. As funny as it is sometimes, it's totally a dick move. If you save your teammate by killing an opponent who is in the midst of assassinating them, it is called a Showstopper and Bungie awards a special medal for that as well. Showstoppers are hard to get and awarded for exceptional teamwork on the battlefield.
Given these two stats, I have developed a "Jerk Rating" to see who Yoinks and Showstoppers the most in our clan:
Given these two stats, I have developed a "Jerk Rating" to see who Yoinks and Showstoppers the most in our clan:
As you can see from the table, FragginURdoodz is clearly the biggest Jerk in the clan with a 6.9 Jerk Rating, highest Yoinks Per Game ratio, and only 1 career Showstopper to balance it out. OmniscientDeath and darknorpo come in a close second. OD claiming the clan high of 21 Yoinks and norpo logging a surprising 0 Showstoppers. MEAN MR MONKEY is amongst the nicest team players when it comes to Jerk Rating.
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