Thursday, June 20, 2013

Clan night attendance

Since moving to Wednesdays, we have had 2 of 5 clan nights where nobody showed up.  Octurian Pewn, the reason we moved to Wednesdays at 8pm PT, has missed 3 of the last 4 clan nights.  Wednesdays have been the poorest attended clan nights, averaging only 3 players per week and an overall average 29% attendance rate.

I want clan nights to be fun for the clan.  It's not fun when people don't show up.  Should we move to a system where people sign up each week?  Should it be a different day?  Should we cancel clan nights until X1 launches?


OD said...

Admittedly, I was out of town for the past 4 weeks, and then last night just plain forgot - even missed the blogpost. My bad. Otherwise my W attendance would be better. I'm fine any night M-Th, though 8pm PST is about as early as would work for me. I think we should alternate L4D with H4, provided enough people are online. Or we even opportunisticaly try some of the free XBL games coming out over the next several months.