Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Halo 4 Player Strengths

It's late in the game's life, but thought it might be interesting to post some stats that show off player personalities and strengths:

Key things to note:
  • gtdroptop: Only one to complete the Wheelman commendation.  Combined with Assist commendation completion, shows obvious strength in driving the Warthog.  It's good for the clan for GT to be driving.
  • darknorpo: Also has the Assist commendation complete, with clan best kill numbers using AR and Frag Grenades.  norpo is decent with the DMR, but excels in Halo 1 classic spray and pray combat.
  • OmniscientDeath: Only one to complete the Mounted Turret commendation, with an obvious large number of kills coming from the back of a Warthog.  It's good for OD to be gunning, nobody in the clan comes close.  Make sure you prioritize getting OD in the gunner seat for any vehicle maps.
  • octurian pewn: The only one to complete the DMR commendation, pewn is a DMR specialist.  Green across the board for kills and precision.  He likes to hang back a little and steal kills, but that's OK as long as we're winning.
  • MEAN MR MONKEY: Most impressively is the only one to complete the Splatter commendation, showing a hidden talent in the Ghost.  This will be a new item for us to loadout as a clan.  Choosing Wheelman as a Tactical Package is advised, to reduce EMP affect and improve vehicle durablity.  (Operator Specialization required)
  • Mean Mrs Monkey: Highest kill percentage in Plasma Grenades, with a relatively high percentage of AR kills.  Recommend switching to AR and continuing to empty out Plasma Grenades.  Choosing Explosives (greater grenade damage to others, less to self) as an Armor Support Upgrade is advised.  Should also choose Grenadier (loadout with 3 grenades) or Resupply (pick up grenades dropped by dead players) as a Tactical Package.
  • Beer4Porter: Is pretty good at assists, but not great at headshots.  Recommend switching from BR to Assault Rifle as the default loadout.  Suggest using Mobility Tactical Package and Explosives Support upgrade.  Advise tossing a lot of grenades with the goal of never dying with grenades in hand.


OD said...

You may need to leave this advice as a voicemail for MeanMr. Sounds like he's a bit digitally challenged.

John said...

I'll print it out and send it via USPS.