Monday, September 16, 2013

Clan night preview: Rainbox Six Vegas - Do your homework!

We will be playing Rainbox Six Vegas for clan night this week, the free Games with Gold game available for download starting today.  It's almost 8 GB in downloads, so I *strongly* recommend you get that started immediately so that you're ready for gaming tomorrow.  Here are direct download links for you:

You need all three downloads to play.  You can click those links from any web browser to kick off the download on your Xbox.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: Clicking the link doesn't work for me?
A: You probably don't have your Xbox linked to your account, or you replaced your Xbox and didn't update your settings.  Help page is here.

Q: Why did the download stop after I turned off my Xbox?
A: You may not have the setting configured to keep downloading after you power down.  Help page is here.

Q: I don't have any hard drive space left.  What should I do?
A: You can probably delete a lot of old games.  At this point, you don't need anything installed on your hard drive if you have the game disc.  Halo 4 is the only active clan game that *requires* HDD installation, all the other ones can be run from disc.  You can also buy a new HDD, Amazon has them starting at $47.  Lastly, you can buy USB flash drives and use them like a HDD.  Keep in mind though that the Xbox 360 has a performance requirement to do this, so you need a drive that is fast enough.  I can personally verify that the Patriot XT Rage line meets the performance requirements, and Amazon has them starting at $12.