Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Destiny: Hours played

Today in Destiny stats:

Player Hours Main Alt1 Alt2
Beer4Porter 24 21 0 0
Brune TSLJ 124 27 9 1
CoolerSopranos2 101 28 15 0
cubert30 109 27 22 14
gtdroptop 177 29 27 26
o DeadEye o 8 8 6 0
OmniscientDeath 144 29 27 27
Wadster90 154 27 24 0
YVRShyAsian 187 28 27 0

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. Destiny.

Just like last week, we will probably have some new players with us, so join the XBL
chat party first and I will matchmake based on player level.  Weekly and Nightfall is Nexus with Void burn. For
players level 26 and higher, Nightfall Strike will likely be the
priority to set the XP bonus for the week.  Those on at 9pm will get sent into games right away.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. Destiny.

We will have some new clan recruits joining us tonight, so join the XBL chat party first and I will matchmake based on player level.  For players level 26 and higher, Nightfall Strike will likely be the priority to set the XP bonus for the week.  This week's strikes are Phogoth with an arc burn on the Nightfall, so should be fairly straightforward.  Those on at 9pm will get sent into games right away.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Clan night tonight. 9pm PT. Destiny.

Minimum level required to participate in clan night: 21

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Vault of Glass

We are preparing to raid the Vault of Glass.  The best guide I've read so far is posted to  Below is a quick read that's much easier to digest, reposted from reddit:

There are some amazing guides and videos out there for VoG. I was pretty worried on my first attempt and didn't want to be the one to wipe the group, so I read up a lot about all of the fights. In addition, our raid leader would explain the fight for 10 minutes before the entrance, templar and Aetheon fights.
The problem was that it was just information overload. The fights are fairly complex, so going over every detail without context is a recipe for forgetting. I encourage people to do their homework, but would like to give a more broad overview to some of the fights if you don't want to spend a lot of time diving into every detail. If you're running with a PuG that is experienced, you don't need to know all the nitty gritty details. If you are running with a team for the first time, i'd suggest reading some more detailed guides out there since you're most likely a bit undergeared as a team.
I ran this with a pug last night that was fairly experienced, and no one worried about positioning or anything. Everyone knew what to do, saw the holes and filled them and we cleared it in an hour with no wipes. If you have the general overview of what needs to be done, that's enough.
This overview won't go over being the relic holder. I'm assuming if it's your first time you won't be responsible for this duty.
There's 3 confuxes you need to gaurd, so groups of 2 make sense- you need to defend them and not allow any vex onto the sync plates. Kill shit. The Praetorians are the toughest, so use a void fusion rifle and call your partner for help if you see one.
Templar Phase 1
Stuff comes out left middle and right. Same as entrance, kill stuff. If you kill a mob and there's a green puddle on the ground, don't step on it. If you step on it, go into the middle (down the ramp), and there's a big shiny light. Get on it to cleanse yourself and GTFO since vex spawn there.
Templar Phase 2
Oracles spawn. They look like big orange lights...just kill them quick. Oracles should take priority over everything. Also kill hobgoblins sniping you. Fuck hobgoblins
Templar Phase 3
You actually fight the templar now. He has a big shield, so don't bother shooting him until the shield is down. Your relic holder will call out on the mic when he is going to blast the templar to bring his shield down, once he does this, focus fire the templar. Stay alive, focus templar when shield is down.
When the shield gets broken, do not move. He will potentially cast a shield around you, and you have to fire at the shield to break it. You die if you try to walk through it. You can generally just start firing from a stationary position right when his shield is going down. You'll either hit him, or break the shield first thing...either way you're safe if you don't move.
Rinse and Repeat. That's really all there is to the boss fight.
There's a cheap way to beat templar as well from a hobgoblin floating column. I won't get into it, since if you're doing it you can just follow your team.
Aetheon Phase 1
Kill everything, then kill the gatekeeper
Aetheon Phase 2
After you down the gatekeeper, vex will start spawning behind you. This is where you will be divided into the outside group, or the inside group.
Outside group opens up one of the portals by stepping inside the sync plate and kills the stuff spawning. These sync plates are located below the portals toward the entrance (small raised column). Their goal is to guard that plate and not let any vex on it (just like the entrance). If you are in this group, just kill everything outside and guard that plate.
Inside group will go through the portal, kill everything, including a gatekeeper, and someone will grab a relic. If you're on the inside, once the gatekeeper is down, you will get cursed. Just chill out and wait for the relic holder to cleanse you. You have to be close so stay with him.
Once the relic is retrieved, you go out the portal and move to the other portal to do the same thing.
Outside group: When the inside team leaves the first portal, your job gets a bit more difficult. You need to defend the same sync plate on the opposite side, but a conflux appears in the middle which you have to defend as well. Split your resources and guard both. You'll either be guarding mid, or the new sync plate.
Inside group repeats the same thing in the 2nd portal and when they come out, EVERYONE get to the middle conflux and defend.
Congrats you just beat phase 2, arguably the hardest phase. You'll get loot and have down time.
Aetheon Phase 3
Aetheon will teleport the 3 farthest people, so you will be one of groups. Teleported group, nor not teleported group. You will decide on this before the fight begins.
Not getting teleported: Hang around the portals and kill harpies. When the teleported group gets in, they will tell you which side they are on. You'll need to open the portal for them (stand in plate). Kill stuff and try to stay on top of columns. The harpies are suicide bombers.
Getting teleported: You'll hang around the back until you get teleported. Run to the stairs, and chuck a grenade down. The relic holder will go down and mop up the few mobs. You just chill, you're going to wait for oracles to spawn. The first spawns above you, and their spawns get closer and closer to the exit portal. Shoot those bitches and move to the exit. YOUR JOB IS TO KILL ORACLES WHILE MOVING TOWARDS THE PORTAL
Upon exit everyone gets a buff from the inside team killing the last oracle. Everyone jumps to the middle platform (between the 2 portals). The relic holder will put up a shield that protects you from the outside. DPS the boss down while you have this buff. When the buff ends (there's a timer), it's important the same 3 get teleported. At the 3 second mark of the timer, either jump to the back so you get teleported (if you're in that group), or jump to the left or right and find cover while killing more harpies.
Repeat after the teleport.

Friday, October 3, 2014

All 20 Exotic weapons currently in-game, organized by type

Reposted from reddit:

I'm not going to make any recommendations, because all the Exotics are pretty awesome.  I'm planning to focus on collecting the Snipers and Rockets first.  There's no reason not to have them all, because you have to pick damage types based on mission anyway.  It'd also be awesome to get that Vex Mythoclast to have a primary with elemental damage, but it requires beating the Raid on Hard.  That's probably a long ways away...


Name Type Strength Weakness Main Feature(s)
Hard Light[5] Kinetic Equip/Reload Impact Shots penetrate and ricochet on hard surfaces.
Monte Carlo[6] Kinetic Range Stability Dealing damage reduces melee cooldown.
SUROS Regime[7] Kinetic Balanced Rate of Fire Bottom half of clips deals bonus damage and may heal you.
Hard Light has lots of potential to cut through crowds. Monte Carlo* has good range for an Auto Rifle, and fantastic for maximizing melee output. The SUROS Regime is "that Auto Rifle" recently sold[8] by Xûr. To put it lightly, it has "enhanced" recent PVP matches. With its high-impact health-stealing and overall lack of weakness, it has continued to push the PVP meta to Auto Rifles. Keep an eye on the upcoming AR tweaks![9]

Name Type Strength Weakness Main Feature(s)
Vex Mythoclast[10] Solar Charge Time N/A Has no Charge Time.
The Vex Mythoclast is an extremely potent weapon. Generally considered Destiny's most overpowered weapon in PVP, it's a possible drop for beating the Vault of Glass on Hard. A truly fitting reward. This weapon could see some nerfs, or perhaps Bungie's taking the "if everything's overpowered, nothing is!" approach.

Name Type Strength Weakness Main Feature(s)
Hawkmoon[11] Kinetic Impact Rate of Fire 2-3 random shots in clip deal "considerable" bonus damage.
The Last Word[12] Kinetic Impact Stability Can be shot incredibly fast. Great from-the-hip precision.
Thorn[13] Kinetic Impact Stability Shots penetrate and deal damage-over-time (no stacking).
Hawkmoon is strong overall with potential two-shots. For some Guardians, the unreliable main feature will be a big negative. The Last Word is very capable due to its Rate of Fire, although its animations may be distracting. Thorn's damage over time can be very strategic, forcing PVP targets to take cover. It's not especially strong for direct engagements, so Bungie is preparing a buff. Compared to Exotics of other types, the Hand Cannons don't stand out quite as much as they could.

Name Type Strength Weakness Main Feature(s)
Bad Juju[14] Kinetic Rate of Fire Impact Kills briefly enable instant reloads and a small damage buff.
Red Death[15] Kinetic Impact Rate of Fire Each kill heals you and speeds up reloads.
On paper, Bad Juju has lots of potential due to full-auto fire and post-kill instant reloads / extra damage. In-game it falls a bit short, and is also the target of an upcoming buff[16] . Red Death, simply put, is strong and balanced. The healing and quick reload after kills, plus better aim under fire, is icing on the blood-spattered cake.

Name Type Strength Weakness Main Feature(s)
MIDA Multi-Tool[17] Kinetic Reload N/A Boosts movement. Fires on a hair trigger. Radar active in-aim.
While some complain that the MIDA Multi-Tool isn't as flashy as other Exotics, it's a very well-balanced weapon. Rumors circulate that the side-radar has a hidden purpose. Hmmm...

Name Type Strength Weakness Main Feature(s)
Universal Remote[18] Kinetic Stability Range Aiming greatly increases range and precision damage.
What is this weapon? A short-range Special weapon becomes a long-range Primary? In any case, the Universal Remote is a versatile weapon that warrants plenty of use. It may also survive the upcoming nerfs to Shotguns reasonably unscathed.


Name Type Strength Weakness Main Feature(s)
Plan C[20] Arc Impact Charge Rate Charge/equip time is very fast after weapon swap.
Pocket Infinity[21] Solar Impact Charge Rate Fires in full-auto. Missed rounds may return to clip.
Pocket Infinity is terrifying. After charging, it unleashes a never-ending firestorm. Incredibly useful for a huge crowd or targets you want really dead. Plan C is a bit different. Using your Primary weapon? Things not going your way? That's where the well-balanced Plan C shines. Swap, charge, and blast 'em away before they know what happened. Plan C's main benefit seems directed toward PVP or players who panic easily.

Name Type Strength Weakness Main Feature(s)
Invective[22] Solar Rate of Fire Reload Can be fired in full-auto. Regenerates ammo.
Invective lacks Impact, but completely makes up for it with a fast-firing bulletstorm. Ammo regeneration is nice, but somehow feels a little slow at 4 shells per 30 seconds. You'll have plenty of time for its slow reload once the whole room is dead.

Name Type Strength Weakness Main Feature(s)
Ice Breaker[23] Solar Range Stability Kills explode. Regenerates ammo into 6-shot clip (can't reload).
Patience and Time[24] Arc Stability Clip Size (4) Active radar and temporary invisibility while aiming.
Don't want to be anywhere near your targets? Ice Breaker is just for you. Notable for its maximum range and exploding kills, you'll be happily popping crowds from a distance. The regenerating ammo is a boon and a curse, with a new shot added to the clip every 6 seconds. Patience and Time features a lot of great traits for a Sniper Rifle like high Stability and an active radar while aiming. The brief invisibility is neat, but not as helpful as you'd hope: the very-visible red sniper glare doesn't disappear.


Name Type Strength Weakness Main Feature(s)
Super Good Advice[26] Solar Rate of Fire Impact Almost all missed shots are returned to the magazine.
Thunderlord[27] Arc Impact Rate of Fire Increased Rate of Fire and accuracy the longer it's fired.
Super Good Advice is a room-shredder. Spray the general direction of your target and don't worry about wasting precious ammo. Thunderlord is incredibly balanced, shooting faster and more accurately the longer you fire. SGA seems better for PVP (ammo conservation), while Thunderlord could help with precision damage on tanky targets in PVE (longer firing).

Name Type Strength Weakness Main Feature(s)
Gjallarhorn[28] Solar Velocity Rate of Fire Rockets split into a cluster of target-tracking missiles on impact.
Truth[29] Void Blast Radius Rate of Fire Aggressive target-tracking.
Gjallarhorn has to be one of Destiny's most satisfying weapons. The main rocket has tracking, and bursts into a cloud of tracking missiles. What's not to love? The low Rate of Fire is easily forgivable. Truth, the only Exotic with Void damage, has even more aggressive tracking than Gjallarhorn – and includes proximity detonation. After seeing it in-action[30] , we've come to a conclusion: everything in Destiny is a finely-crafted tool of pain.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Destiny Gametypes - The Whole Point of the Game

Why do we have level requirements for clan night now?  Because you need to be leveled up to play the game.  This is the game progression:

  • Story Mission (Levels 2-18): 1-3 player fireteams, friends only.  This is the tutorial for the game, that teaches you the basic game mechanics over about 6-10 hours of gameplay, and unlocks all the planets.  They are easy to complete alone and generate XP so that you can unlock the next story mission.
  • Crucible (Levels 5+): 1-6 player fireteams, matchmaking available.  PvP game mode unlocked when a player's first character reaches level 5.  Bada Bing as a clan does not participate in Crucible, the reader is left to research it on their own if they are interested.
  • Strike Mission (Levels 8-18): 1-3 player fireteams, friends only.  These are boss battles, moderately hard alone or fairly easy with a fireteam, earn new armor and generate XP.
  • Patrol (Levels 4-11): 1-3 player fireteams, friends only.  These allow you to roam free, pick up patrols, complete bounties, participate in public events, and find resources.  This game mode does not generate any rewards by itself, the rewards come from things you add to it.

Once you reach level 20, the actual game begins.   You may go back to the above activities to finish a task or get some materials, but those become sidejobs to fuel the main game.
  • Public Events (Levels 4-11): May be solo'd, done with fireteams, or with any number of random players in your instance.  They are fairly easy with other people, and earn you XP, rare materials, currency.
  • Vanguard Strike Playlist (Levels 18-24): Matchmaking available, can also be done with fireteams.  There are 4 levels to choose from, so they are as hard as you want to make them.  Earn Rare Gear, Marks, Rep.
  • Daily Heroic Story Mission (Levels 20-28): 1-3 player fireteams, friends only.  Very easy if you are at or above the recommended level.  Earn Vanguard marks, XP.
  • Weekly Heroic Strike (Levels 22-28):  1-3 player fireteams, friends only.  Can be moderately hard, most people read an guide on the internet that makes the strike easier with an exploit.  Earn Strange Coin, Vanguard Marks, Vanguard Rep.
Once you reach level 24, you get to participate in the End Game "special events."  These are limited time activities or are extra challenging.
  • Queen's Wrath (Level 24):  1-3 player fireteams, friends only.  This is a limited time event that only runs for 2 weeks.  It's fairly easy with a fireteam, earn Legendary Armor and Rare Weapons.
  • Raid (Level 26): 6 player fireteams, friends only.  This is a limited time event, and is very difficult.  Even though it states level 26, the recommended level is 28.  Requires good players and excellent coordination.  Earns Legendary+ Gear, Ascendant Mats.
  • Weekly Nightfall Strike (Level 28):  1-3 player fireteams, friends only.  This is the same strike as the Weekly Heroic, but with additional modifiers that make it much more difficult - like no saved checkpoints if your team wipes, you have to start all over again.  Considered fairly difficult, earns XP boost, unspecified higher level rewards.
As of this week, Bada Bing now has 3 players that can participate in all the end game content.  However, you'll notice that most of the game modes do not have matchmaking.  We can't just have the game assign us a random person if we're short a fireteam.  That means if you aren't up to level on clan night, you are holding a spot we could fill with somebody who is, and you are preventing everybody else from playing the game.

Clan night on October 14 will have a minimum level requirement of at least 21.  Expect that bar to move up each week.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Exotic Armor Guide

Based on data from a reddit post, here is all the exotic armor along with recommendations in bold:


  • Voidwalker
    • Grenadier: Skull of Dire Ahamkara helmet
    • Hand Cannon, Axion Bolt: Voidfang Vestments chest
  • Sunsinger
    • Fusion Rifle: Heart of the Praxic Fire chest
    • Melee, shotgun, Solar Flare: Sun Breakers gauntlets
  • Either subclass
    • Melee, front line combat: Apotheosis Veil helmet
    • Melee, support oriented: Light Beyond Nemesis
    • Ranged: The Stag helmet (gtdroptop)
    • Melee, shotgun: Claws of Ahamkara helmet
  • Gunslinger
    • Grenadier: Achlyophage Symbiote helmet (o DeadEye ogtdroptop)
    • Fusion Rifle or Sniper: Young Ahamkara's Spine gauntlets
  • Bladedancer
    • Melee, front line combat:  Mask of the Third Man helmet (o DeadEye o,  OmniscientDeath)
    • Fusion Rifle, Arcbolt: Lucky Raspberry chest
  • Either subclass
    • Grenadier: ATS/8 Arachnid helmet
    • Ranged: Knucklehead Radar helmet
    • Special weapon, support oriented: Crest of the Alpha Lupi chest (OmniscientDeath)
    • Fusion Rifle, Heavy weapon: Starfire Protocol chest
    • Sniper: Don't Touch Me gauntlets (gtdroptop)
    • Machine Gun: Radiant Dance Machines boots
  • Striker
    • Melee, grenadier: An Insurmountable Skullfort helmet
    • Melee, Fist of Havoc: Helm of Inmost Light helmet (CoolerSopranos2)
    • Heavy weapons: Mk. 44 Stand Asides boots
  • Defender
    • Melee: Helm of Saint-14 helmet (PvP)
    • Melee, support oriented: The Glasshouse helmet (Beer4Porter)
    • Melee, shotgun: No Backup Plans gauntlets
  • Either subclass
    • Auto Rifle, support oriented: Crest of Alpha Lupi chest (CoolerSopranos2, Beer4Porter)
    • Ranged, special and heavy weapons: The Armamentarium chest (gtdroptop)
    • Ranged, special and heavy weapons: Ruin Wings gauntlets