Destiny Gametypes - The Whole Point of the Game
Why do we have level requirements for clan night now? Because you need to be leveled up to play the game. This is the game progression:
- Story Mission (Levels 2-18): 1-3 player fireteams, friends only. This is the tutorial for the game, that teaches you the basic game mechanics over about 6-10 hours of gameplay, and unlocks all the planets. They are easy to complete alone and generate XP so that you can unlock the next story mission.
- Crucible (Levels 5+): 1-6 player fireteams, matchmaking available. PvP game mode unlocked when a player's first character reaches level 5. Bada Bing as a clan does not participate in Crucible, the reader is left to research it on their own if they are interested.
- Strike Mission (Levels 8-18): 1-3 player fireteams, friends only. These are boss battles, moderately hard alone or fairly easy with a fireteam, earn new armor and generate XP.
- Patrol (Levels 4-11): 1-3 player fireteams, friends only. These allow you to roam free, pick up patrols, complete bounties, participate in public events, and find resources. This game mode does not generate any rewards by itself, the rewards come from things you add to it.
Once you reach level 20, the actual game begins. You may go back to the above activities to finish a task or get some materials, but those become sidejobs to fuel the main game.
- Public Events (Levels 4-11): May be solo'd, done with fireteams, or with any number of random players in your instance. They are fairly easy with other people, and earn you XP, rare materials, currency.
- Vanguard Strike Playlist (Levels 18-24): Matchmaking available, can also be done with fireteams. There are 4 levels to choose from, so they are as hard as you want to make them. Earn Rare Gear, Marks, Rep.
- Daily Heroic Story Mission (Levels 20-28): 1-3 player fireteams, friends only. Very easy if you are at or above the recommended level. Earn Vanguard marks, XP.
- Weekly Heroic Strike (Levels 22-28): 1-3 player fireteams, friends only. Can be moderately hard, most people read an guide on the internet that makes the strike easier with an exploit. Earn Strange Coin, Vanguard Marks, Vanguard Rep.
- Queen's Wrath (Level 24): 1-3 player fireteams, friends only. This is a limited time event that only runs for 2 weeks. It's fairly easy with a fireteam, earn Legendary Armor and Rare Weapons.
- Raid (Level 26): 6 player fireteams, friends only. This is a limited time event, and is very difficult. Even though it states level 26, the recommended level is 28. Requires good players and excellent coordination. Earns Legendary+ Gear, Ascendant Mats.
- Weekly Nightfall Strike (Level 28): 1-3 player fireteams, friends only. This is the same strike as the Weekly Heroic, but with additional modifiers that make it much more difficult - like no saved checkpoints if your team wipes, you have to start all over again. Considered fairly difficult, earns XP boost, unspecified higher level rewards.
Clan night on October 14 will have a minimum level requirement of at least 21. Expect that bar to move up each week.
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