Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Halo Wars Ranking System

[Article from Bonfire Studios]

Ranks in Halo Wars are earned by accumulating score from Public Matchmaking games on Xbox LIVE.

Your Service Record shows your current Rank, Score and how many more points you need to rank up. Your Rank is also visible as an icon next to your gamertag when in a game lobby, post game screen and other areas.

There are eight ranks available in Halo Wars. You start as Unranked and then are promoted to Recruit upon completing your first Public Matchmade game.

There are two bonus modifiers that can boost your score by a percentage. To earn the bonus you must complete a Public Matchmaking game and NOT disconnect. If you win you receive an additional 40%. If you lose you get an additional 20%. If you're getting omgwtfbbqpwned, don't get mad and disconnect because you're still in line for a nice little bonus. :) And if you're knocked out of the game early and want to leave you'll still receive your 20% bonus so don't feel you need to stay until the end.