Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Xbox 360 E74 Error

The interwebs are starting to buzz about E74 errors beginning to appear on Xbox 360s. I haven't seen this yet myself, but if you have, please share with the clan via comments on this post. The E74 error seems to be related to video problems. It's occasionally caused by a faulty AV cord, but more often than not, the solder on the ANA/HANA (in HDMI models) scaling chip has come loose. In fact, many have reported creating a temporary fix by wrapping pennies in electrical tape and weighing the ANA/HANA down. (For the record, we're not suggesting you do that.) Before the error, the system usually starts showing graphical problems like lines across the screen or snow. It's accompanied by one red light in the lower right-hand quadrant.


coffee said...

have tried a few different ways to fix my xBox using the youtube guides, etc... still getting the E70 error.