Thursday, April 15, 2010

New Game Modes for Halo Reach has some more details and new game modes that we've heard teased so far.

Headhunter: Basically an Assault type game where the object is to capture an object and deliver it somewhere else. Specifically, you are trying to pick up skulls and score them in deposit zones that move around the map. Actually, very similar to Powerball from the American Gladiators TV show. The twist here is that you can carry more than one skull (maybe up to 10), but if you are killed before you score, you drop them all, allowing anybody else to pick them up. Also, you have shiny waypoint marker on your head indicating how many skulls you are carrying.

Stockpile: Described as Territories meets CTF. Scoring happens at regular time intervals, and the game counts how many flags you have within your territory at each interval, regardless of which team is actually holding the flag. So you must bring neutral flags back into your territory, and hold them there until the scoring time interval ends.

Generator Defense: A round-based 3v3 game type that pits Spartans (defenders) against Elites (attackers). There are 3 generators to defend, 3 random power-weapon drops fall from the sky at the beginning of each round, and generators can be locked down (invulnerable) for 30 seconds at a time. This actually sounds like a pretty hard game type because there are only 3 defenders available to defend 3 objectives. Only played on a purpose-built map though, so maybe the generators are in difficult locations.

Invasion: This is a large scale 6v6 game type that is described as epic and should be a clan favorite, given our predilections. Not many details have been released, but it does appear to be round-based and multi-stage, with heavy weapons being air dropped in for the later stages.