Tuesday, April 14, 2009

EXP Required for Halo Wars ranks

I've previously posted about the Halo Wars ranks, but wanted to provide a little more detail now that we've been playing it a little more. We've logged 11-20 multi-player games each over the last month, and averaged 2,136 points per game. We are all currently Recruits and have been consistently getting matched against teams with Majors and at least one Commander. Assuming our average of 23 minutes per game, these are the approximate number of games and times it takes to make each rank:

  • Recruit (1 pt): 1 game (23 minutes)
  • Lieutenant (80,000 pts): 38 games (14.5 hours)
  • Captain (200,000 pts): 94 games (36 hours)
  • Major (400,000 pts): 188 games (72 hours)
  • Commander (800,000 pts): 375 games (144 hours)
  • Colonel (1,600,000 pts): 750 games (288 hours)
  • Brigadier (2,400,000 pts): 1,124 games (431 hours)
  • General (3,200,000 pts): 1,499 games (575 hours)
The Ranks are clearly totally unrelated to TrueSkill, as our TrueSkill has been increasing exponentially without a corresponding increase in Rank.