Friday, April 30, 2010

65 hours to Reach

Requirements: All you need is your Halo 3 ODST campaign disc. Once the beta is active, there will be a menu item that says "Play the Beta." You can test this out now, there should currently be a menu item that says "Preview the Beta." That's where you'll begin. You don't need anything else to get in. It is a 1.2 GB download, so it will take some time, and you'll need the hard drive space available.

When: The beta will become available to the general pubic "late morning PDT on Monday, May 3." That means NOT midnight. Friends and Family codes started become available between 10-11am on Thursday, so that's as good a guess as any. The beta is currently slated only to run through May 19, so play it while the playing is good.

Friends and Family: You may have seen chatter about special access codes. Bungie made hundreds of codes available allowing people early access into the Beta. Check your inbox, you might have one. The codes unlock the beta, and do NOT require the ODST disc.

Bootcamp: IGN has written a comprehensive gameplay guide to the Beta. It covers everything and most importantly highlights the new stuff. Read it here.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Armor Lock for Territories

IGN posted a video with one good tip: Armor Lock is a great armor ability for taking territories. Have three guys with Armor Lock go for a territory with each person activating their lock after the previous one wears off.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bungie Reach Beta Guide

Bungie has posted a very clear description of what the Reach Beta is all about.

Read it here.

It describes how you are eligible, how you download it, how you queue up in active roster, and all the gameplay elements. PLEASE do me a personal favor and read at least the first three sections: Get In, Get Setup, and Matchmaking. If it's not obvious, stupid questions hurt my head. Please don't hurt my head.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Invasion on Boneyard gameplay showing continuous footage of phases 2 and 3:

Generator Defense on Overlook, showcasing the new 3v3 gametype:

Stockpile on Swordbase, lots of jetpacks and flag bashing

Slayer on Powerhouse:

Lots more vids here:

Clan night tonight. Left 4 Dead 2. 8pm PT.

Last week before Halo Reach multiplayer beta.

Monday, April 26, 2010

One Week to Beta

Some things of note as we hit the one week mark to Beta:

  • Ars Technica is giving away early-access Friends and Family beta codes here.
  • For the H3 beta, Bungie sent Friends and Family codes to inboxes. Make sure you check your inbox on Thursday 4/29.
  • This hands-on preview notes how active camo is very effective for Elites to capture territories.
  • Grenades and melee attacks both pwn generators quickly. However, generators blow up when destroyed,which will pwn your face if you are mid-melee.
  • Skulls dropped in the scoring area of Headhunter will disappear, preventing camping n00bs from just stalking the scoring area.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Halo Reach Overload's latest update about the Reach MP beta is hurting my head. This is far and away the steepest learning curve of any Halo game to date. New weapon set, new abilities, new loadouts, new spawn control, new game types, new maps. There's a lot going on here, so we'll need to ramp as a clan to work together effectively in teams. Reach seems to be putting a much greater emphasis on team work than ever before.

Invasion on Boneyard. Details have finally been announced. This will be a Spartans vs Elites game type where you get to play as one or the other in the Beta. Spartans defend the high ground, and Elites try to break down stages to progress to the next phase.

  • Phase 1: 4 minutes long, Elites need to occupy 1 of 2 generator territories for 20 seconds to unlock the next phase. Elites have choice of two short range loadouts, but mid/long range Needle Rifles are available on the map. Spartans can choose short or long range loadouts. No vehicles.
  • Phase 2: 4 minutes long, Elites need to occupy 1 of 3 territories for 20 seconds to unlock the next phase. Both Spartans and Elites have choice of short or long range loadouts. Warthog, Ghost and Wraith spawn in each team's respective vehicle bays.
  • Phase 3: 4 minutes long, Elites try to move data core outside to awaiting Phantom to win. Both sides have four different loadouts to choose from, Jetpacks and specialty weapons become available. All vehicles spawn, which should result in massive chaos.
Team Work. Bungie has now announced two heavily team-centric game types in Invasion and Generator Defense.
  • Generator Defense is 3v3 where the 3-man Spartan team has to defend 3 generators.
  • Invasion is 6v6 where only 2-3 territories have to be defended at any given time, but it is a MUCH larger map.
  • Fireteams. New for Reach is 2-man fireteams. The game will automatically pair you with a buddy for the duration of the match. When you die, you will have the opportunity to spawn on your fireteam buddy, or choose from other predetermined spawn locations. This will have a HUGE impact on gameplay. If your buddy is in a fight, he will get notified that you're trying to spawn on him, can pull back out of fire to allow you in, and then come out of cover with a new ally! You can also directly spawn into the gunner seat of your buddy's vehicle!
Invasion Slayer. This is a watered down version of Invasion where the phases are determined simply by time or kills. Each phase introduces better weapons and better vehicles. The craziest thing here is that there will be random territories placed around the map. In order to get the better weapons and vehicles with each phase, you have to hold a territory which will then trigger a weapon/vehicle drop.

Controls. Bumper Jumper is back, but may not be as super if you plan to use your abilities a lot. Abilities are mapped to "X" in Bumper Jumper, which will make it hard to aim and shoot while flying or camo'd. Abilities are mapped to "LB" in most other schemes.

Man, my head hurts.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Halo Reach Multiplayer ViDoc

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No clan night this week.

4-20, dude! Local conflicts for several of us. Though some of us may be on split-screen sporadically around 9pm.

Monday, April 19, 2010

ODST/Reach Beta Giveaway

Defend This House is running an easy contest to win a copy of Halo 3: ODST, and with it, an invitation to the Halo Reach multi-player beta. Click here for details.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

New Game Modes for Halo Reach has some more details and new game modes that we've heard teased so far.

Headhunter: Basically an Assault type game where the object is to capture an object and deliver it somewhere else. Specifically, you are trying to pick up skulls and score them in deposit zones that move around the map. Actually, very similar to Powerball from the American Gladiators TV show. The twist here is that you can carry more than one skull (maybe up to 10), but if you are killed before you score, you drop them all, allowing anybody else to pick them up. Also, you have shiny waypoint marker on your head indicating how many skulls you are carrying.

Stockpile: Described as Territories meets CTF. Scoring happens at regular time intervals, and the game counts how many flags you have within your territory at each interval, regardless of which team is actually holding the flag. So you must bring neutral flags back into your territory, and hold them there until the scoring time interval ends.

Generator Defense: A round-based 3v3 game type that pits Spartans (defenders) against Elites (attackers). There are 3 generators to defend, 3 random power-weapon drops fall from the sky at the beginning of each round, and generators can be locked down (invulnerable) for 30 seconds at a time. This actually sounds like a pretty hard game type because there are only 3 defenders available to defend 3 objectives. Only played on a purpose-built map though, so maybe the generators are in difficult locations.

Invasion: This is a large scale 6v6 game type that is described as epic and should be a clan favorite, given our predilections. Not many details have been released, but it does appear to be round-based and multi-stage, with heavy weapons being air dropped in for the later stages.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

GT wont' be on tonight

For those that get this on RSS and e-mail, I won't be able to make H2 night tonight at 10pm. A 6am meeting got scheduled after I wrote the post. I did verify during the day today, however, that the downloads are all available and that matchmaking is working correctly. Today is the last day you'll ever be able to play Halo 2 on Xbox Live, so get it while it's good! I sucked pretty hard, so wouldn't have helped you guys anyway.

Halo 2 tonight. 10pm PT.

(For those of you who are interested, this is a rally point. GT will not be on.)

In last week's Bungie update, they announced that they would be giving away some Halo Reach prizes for people on the last day Halo 2 will be available. I'll be on-line tonight at 10pm or earlier to log a few games to qualify. Join me!

Two important things:

  • There are two title updates and several map packs that you will likely have to re-download to play in matchmaking. So far, I am the only one in the clan that I know of who was been able to do it successfully. If you want to play, I strongly recommend that you log in at least an hour ahead of time to try to get your downloads.
  • Halo 2 is an Xbox 1 title, so it doesn't support any of the new Xbox Live NXE features. Specifically, XBL parties will not work, so it will be hard for me to help you if you're stuck. Also, chat and messaging (though supported within Halo 2) is not interoperable with the XBL NXE interface. That means if you are in the new XBL dashboard and send me a message, I will not be able to view it in Halo 2, and vice versa.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Clan night tonight. 8pm PT. Left 4 Dead 2.

Be there, bitches.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Reach Tidbits

IGN and Bungie have some new tidbits on Reach this week.

  • Headhunter is indeed a gametype (OD) and not some kind of skull activated effect. Don't know what the game is though.
  • Spartans vs Elites is featured on the Generator Defense gametype, an asymmetrical objective game that sounds kind of like Assault.
  • The MP Beta will feature four maps: Sword Base, Powerhouse, Overlook and Boneyard.
  • Jetpacks are (sadly) for n00bz. Though cool, they are apparently slow, loud, and not maneuverable. Additionally, you're basically sitting duck for Needlers or Needle Rifles.
  • Fall damage even applies to mancannons. wtf?!
  • Boneyard is big enough to, and will support vehicles in the MP beta.
  • "Bloom" is the reticle expanding effect that I noted from the trailer but forget to mention in the last Reach update. This isn't a headshot notifier or anything, it's to illustrate the decrease in accuracy after each shot so that you can't just spam rounds.
Most interesting of note in the Bungie update is that they will be giving out prizes for everyone who plays Halo 2 on the last day, April 14. They mention "visual flair" for Halo Reach as well as some other undetailed prizes. Remember that there are TON of annoying updates and the process is super wonky. Be prepared to try a few times.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Halo 3 tonight. 10pm PT.

We'll be on-line trying out some matchmaking and shaking off the rust tonight. Join up!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Transition Plan

Starting this weekend, I will start hosting off-night clan sessions in Halo 3 matchmaking. If it wasn't obvious already, I am getting us ready for the launch of Halo Reach. I am, generally speaking, available all nights (other than Tue/Wed) after 9:30pm PT. To accommodate those in other time zones, I am happy to pre-schedule earlier nights as well. Leave a comment or reply on e-mail if you have requests for days/times.

Also, since people keep asking me, the way you get invited into the Halo Reach multiplayer beta is via the Halo 3 ODST game disc. I've posted about this before, but there are a number of outlets where you can get it for cheap now. GameFly was offering used copies for $20. Other outlets are offering it at varying prices: Amazon $49.99 new w/ free shipping, Gamestop $44.99 used, Amazon $35.78 used w/ free shipping, eBay ~$30 w/ shipping included.

Expect us to fully convert to Halo Reach when it launches this fall. You should also expect that all clan nights while the Halo Reach multiplayer beta is active will involve the Reach beta. ODST was unfortunately a dud with limited 4-player Xbox Live play. Halo Reach brings back the full 16 player multiplayer experience with a TON of new changes to the Halo universe. With the new active roster, clan nights will (in theory) run smoother than they ever have in the past. w00t!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Clan night tonight. 8pm PT. Left 4 Dead 2.

I'll need to drop around 9:45pm, but that should still be plenty of time.

Monday, April 5, 2010

More on Reach

Bungie's latest update answered many of the questions raised by their MP trailer I blogged about a while back as well as clarifying many other things. Highlights:

  • Elites and Spartans will have very different models and characteristics. At first blush, Elites appear to pwn face.
  • Loadouts (0:14) explained: Ability to choose armor and weapon configs at round start and with every respawn.
  • Active Camo (0:29): Degrades with movement and jams radar, so others will be aware it's in operation.
  • Armor Lock (0:22): Makes you temporarily invincible, even to splatters, which explains how the one guy blew up the Ghost in the trailer instead of getting splattered.
  • Evade (0:11): These are the dive rolls that may only be available to Elites.
  • Jet Packs (0:14): New details released including the implication of fall damage and needing to reserve jet pack fuel to soften the landing. Also susceptible to EMP damage. Note that the green gun can generate the normal EMP, but that the new grenade launcher can also generate EMP! (maybe this is seen at 0:28 - in-air rocket kill)
  • Sprint: Run faster but can't shoot
New weapons:
  • Plasma Repeater: Looks like dual wielding has been removed, so this is similar to two Plasma Rifles. It will not conk out when it overheats, will just slow down. Analogous to UNSC Assault Rifle.
  • Plasma Launcher (0:47): Sends up to four plasma bombs, and appears more similar to the UNSC Rocket Launcher than the Brute Shot. Rounds have slight target tracking ability.
  • Focus Rifle (1:16): This is that crazy rail gun looking thing. Basically merges a beam rifle with the sentinel beam.
  • Grenade Launcher (0:45, 1:04): Bungie puts quotes around this as the "Pro Pipe" but that may be an ironic reference to this as a "n00b cannon." Interestingly, you can hold the trigger after you fire a round and it won't detonate until you release the trigger. As mentioned above, these grenades also have an EMP blast, so you can use this pop jet packs out of the air.
  • Warthog: Probably the biggest (and saddest) news for our clan. The Warthog chaingun can now overheat. Suck.
  • Scorpion (0:07): Gunner is now secondary and exposed.