Saturday, October 2, 2010

Player Spotlight: OmniscientDeath

OmniscientDeath is one of our top players, and an original clan member from the days of Halo 1 LAN parties.  Per popular request, we sat down for a quick interview to find out more about him.

Q1: What's your name in real life?
A1: Ryan Averill

Q2: What is your day job?
A2: I manage an engineering team at Intel that studies how software interacts with various computer designs and provides insight to enable architectural design decision-making and roadmap planning.

Q3: What's an interesting thing about you?
A3: The first Bungie game I played was Pathways Into Darkness back in 1993 on a Macintosh.  Followed by Marathon, Marathon 2 Durandal, Myth: the Fallen Lords, Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and now Reach.  They should have something better than a Spartan helmet next to my gamertag for that.

Q4: How did you get into Halo and/or video games?
A4: Blame CoolerSopranos2 for that getting me into Halo.  He was my roommate at the time and bought an xbox with Halo: Combat Evolved.  Downhill ever since.

Q5: What's your favorite thing about playing Halo?
A5: Assassinating someone who just tried to kill my hologram.

Q6: What's your biggest dislike about playing Halo?
A6: Getting assassinated while trying to kill someone’s hologram.

Q7: How do you manage video game time with wife time?
A7: It’s a constant struggle.

Q8: What do you find so satisfying about getting achievements?
A8: The sense of accomplishment.  And having a lot more than CoolerSopranos2.

Many thanks to OmniscientDeath for continuing to be one of the biggest supporters of the clan!


MrsM said...

Gunzzzzzzz. Perhaps it is time for a clan shooting expedition!

I vote for Porter and TimAY to be next to be interviewed.