HR: Player Profiles - OmniscientDeath
- Rank: Warrant Officer
- Games: 113; Kills: 1042; Deaths: 1088; Assists: 481; Time: 0:16:17; Wins: 61; Medals: 1373
- Win %: 54%; K/D: 0.96; K/G: 9.22; D/G: 9.63; A/G: 4.26; M/G: 12.15; Encounters/G: 24.06
Best suited: Short range slayer, leading fireteams into the front. Well paired with a Bombadier type that allows fireteam respawn close to battle, or with Ranged support to clean up kills.
Recommend: Consider using frag grenades more often. OmniscientDeath has an overall frag grenade kill stat of 113 (11% of total kills). The average range for the clan is 6-23%, so 11% is on the low side. The melee system is expected to change for production, so AR to melee may become more effective than it was in the Beta. Even if it does change though, lobbing more grenades ahead of firefights will increase the effectiveness of the AR/melee combo, and will increase the K/D ratio.
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