Clan night tonight. X1 CoD Ghosts. 9pm PT.
This is the weblog of the Bada Bing Xbox gaming clan. Membership is by invitation only, contact gtdroptop on Xbox Live for more information.
We'll try to use XBL Party Chat, but it's flaky at best. Use cellular text as a backup if you're stuck and having connection troubles.
I guess there's nothing stopping you from playing on 360, PS3 or PS4, but I'll be hosting games on X1. The next generation is here!
This may be the last time you ever play your Xbox 360. Send it off well!
Player's choice.
Veterans Day threw me off, so late post. If you'd like to game tonight, just text me and I'll jump on.
I'm out of town.
In related news, the first X1 clan game will be Call of Duty: Ghosts. Available for X1 on launch day, November 22.
You can get in on the Destiny Beta if you pre-order now. Retailers participating in the Beta program are available here:
Bringing back a clan favorite from 2006. It's free to download on Xbox Live right now. We will start right at 9pm, make sure you have the game plus both free Black and Red map packs.
If you don't have your downloads done, join the chat party and we'll pick you up when it completes.
We will be playing Rainbox Six Vegas for clan night this week, the free Games with Gold game available for download starting today. It's almost 8 GB in downloads, so I *strongly* recommend you get that started immediately so that you're ready for gaming tomorrow. Here are direct download links for you:
Clean up your hard drives, people. Free games every two weeks!
Rainbow Six Vegas is the next game to be free, two weeks from now. I expect *everyone* to download it, or have the original disk.
Note that there's a required Xbox Live update out. May take some time, depending on network and server load. Recommend that you kick off the update when you get home from work so that you're not left out.
Also, the current free game for download is Dead Rising 2. It supports 2-player co-op or 4-player multiplayer. Be sure to download it in case that's the popular consensus:
I'll be on-line building my Automated Slime Farm in Minecraft. But if others show up, join the chat party and let me know what you want to play.
It's late in the game's life, but thought it might be interesting to post some stats that show off player personalities and strengths:
Like the last couple weeks, please join the Xbox Live chat party so that
consensus can decide what we play. If you want to play something else, you should download
these things ahead of time. Choices:
Like last week, please join the Xbox Live chat party so that consensus can decide what we play. Worked out well for the clan to pick the game on their own even when I was still tied up in a concall. Note that this typically defaults to Halo 4, because it's the only thing everybody has. If you want to play something else, you should download these things ahead of time. Choices:
Halo 4 matchmaking is now done via Competitive Skill Rank, a TrueSkill ranking system that happens behind the scenes. It will generally match parties based on the highest CSR in the party. You have to go to Halo Waypoint to see your CSR, it's not visible in-game as far as I can tell. CSR is per playlist and on a scale of 1-50. Here are the current Infinity Slayer 4v4 CSRs for our active clan:
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