Sunday, September 19, 2010

HR Maps - Boardwalk

Boardwalk is one of the new maps that wasn't in the Beta, click below images for huge.  It's an asymmetrical map that we've seen in Territories.

 Key weapon locations:
  • (A) Human Sniper Rifle #1 - This is on the small half wall where the bottom team spawns
  • (B) Human Sniper Rifle #2 - This is on the ground up in the balcony where the top team spawns, or where territory 4 is
  • (C) Shotgun - This is either on the ground or leaning against the wall
  • (D) Plasma Launcher (n00b tube) -This is on the ground at the bottom of the stairs, or where territory 1 is
  • (E) Rocket Launcher - This is on the underground catwalk, near one of the re-spawn points
 Close up screenshots of weapon locations


MrsM said...

Only GT could have a baby (or at least Mrs. GT HAD the baby) and still update the blog.