Thursday, September 30, 2010

Player Spotlight: FishBone10

FishBone10 is one of our top players, consistently logging among the highest numbers in the clan.  Per popular request, we sat down for a quick interview to find out more about him.

Q1: What's your name in real life?
A1: Laurence Day

Q2: What is your day job?
A2: I'm an analyst for an anti-piracy company based out Denmark with offices in  Lithuania, France, UK, and Southern Cali.  My job basically entails staring at spreadsheets for 10 hours and then discussing said spreadsheets at ungodly hours.  Somehow there are always issues on Tuesdays.

Q3: What's an interesting thing about you?
A3: I'm really into Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.  There really is no better feeling than slapping on a triangle choke while transitioning from a straight arm bar!  Kimuras are pretty spectacular as well.

Q4: How did you get into Halo and/or video games?
A4: I'm a guy and I'm asian. I think that says it all.

Q5: What's your favorite thing about playing Halo?
A5: Killing that 12 year old s*&t talker over and over again  and finally getting him to shut the efff up.

Q6: What's your biggest dislike about playing Halo?
A6: Getting killed over and over by previously said 12 year old.

Q7: How do you manage video game time with wife time?
A7: I buy a lot of dinner, got netflix, and I do a lot of activities that I would prefer not to do.  Even after all that I get the occasional "talk" about my gaming habits.

Q8: Is there anything (good or bad) that stands out for clan night?

A8: GT's trash talking is always entertaining!

Many thanks to FishBone10 for his time and continuing to participate in the clan!


MrsM said...

Those 12 year olds are brutal.