Thursday, May 6, 2010

HR: Armor Abilities - Sprint

Basic description: Allows player to run significantly faster, until it runs out of charge. Can be toggled on and off by hitting action button, does not need to be held down. Available to Spartans only. Note that Elites naturally run about as fast as a Spartan in Sprint.

Restrictions: Can not hold any objective items (will drop bombs or flags), can not be in vehicles, can not fire weapons, but CAN throw grenades. Can only sprint moving forward. Can turn while sprinting, but can not sprint and strafe (like Evade). Firing will stop the sprint (but is allowed).

Uses: Good for getting to objective items quickly (skulls, flags, etc). Good for getting out of trouble and into cover. Pairs very well with short range power weapons like Gravity Hammer, Energy Sword or Shotgun.

Counter: Sidestep or jetpack over a charging sprinter. It's harder for them to turn while sprinting. Also remember that they can not fire and are vulnerable while sprinting.