Saturday, May 15, 2010

Reach Beta - Overlook Strategies

This gametype actually isn't all that deep, but it is challenging because it's 3v3 with 3 generators to defend.  At the beginning there are random weapon drops that fall from the sky with power weapons.  Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle and Spartan Laser are all available.  You will want to grab these because all of them can do massive damage to the generators.


  • Keep the generators locked down!  They only need to cool off for a couple seconds between lock downs, so keep them locked down.  Even if they're not being immediately attacked, they are vulnerable to quick ranged damage from rockets or laser if left unattended.
  • Because there are only 3 Spartans to defend 3 generators, one Spartan should sprint off to each generator and lock it down.  The Spartan on B can then head over to A to help hold that one, as its the harder of the two outdoor ones.  Once A or C falls, one Spartan should stay near each one, with a runner between the two.  Once B is the last one left, everyone should fall back indoors.  Though the generator can take damage from outside, most players don't know that yet.  Also, staying indoors helps keep the generator locked down as much as possible.
  • Watch out for friendly fire!  The generators CAN take damage from friendly fire.  Be careful of lobbing grenades at Elites near generators.
  • Grab the power weapons!  Because the generators are vulnerable from range, you can do massive damage without risk if you're holding any of the power weapons.
  • Grenade and melee!  These have the highest ROI of damage to the generators.  Some Elite loadouts give you 3 grenades, take advantage.
  • Divide and conquer!  The Spartans can't be in two places at once, so if you see one generator lock down, that means another is likely vulnerable.