Tuesday, May 11, 2010

HR: Covenant Weapons - Plasma Repeater (Type-51)

Basic description: Fully automatic, medium accuracy, infantry suppression weapon.  Covenant equivalent of the Assault Rifle.  Never needs to be reloaded.  Shoots plasma energy instead of bullets, so is more effective at dropping shields than doing health damage.  Fires faster and longer than Plasma Rifle from previous games, but is approximately the equivalent of dual wielding Plasma Rifles.  Generally available as a primary weapon loadout option for Elites in all gametypes.

NEW FOR HALO REACH: Brand new for Reach.  Weapon will never fully overheat, will just slow down its rate of fire.  Hit reload button to "vent" and regain full firing speed.

Restrictions: Loses effectiveness at range.  Can not pick up ammo on the field.  Continuous fire will slow down firing rate, requiring a vent cycle.  Recommend firing in bursts.

Uses: Short to medium range.  Good for rushing in and dropping shields, causes good havoc in firefights.

Best for: AR players and those that like to run and gun.